How Appealing

Thursday, November 9, 2006

“High Court Weighs Ban On Late-Term Abortions”: Jess Bravin has this article (pass-through link) today in The Wall Street Journal.

Posted at 2:03 PM by Howard Bashman

Free software wins antitrust victory in the Seventh Circuit: Today’s opinion, which Circuit Judge Frank H. Easterbrook issued on behalf of a unanimous three-judge panel, begins, “Does the provision of copyrighted software under the GNU General Public License (‘GPL’) violate the federal antitrust laws?” And the opinion concludes, “The GPL and open-source software have nothing to fear from the antitrust laws.”

Posted at 12:10 PM by Howard Bashman

“Judiciary Priorities Shift Left in Congress; Democratic Chairman Conyers Will Ease Up on Judges and Bear Down on Bush”: Lawrence Hurley has this interesting article today in The Daily Journal of California.

Posted at 12:00 PM by Howard Bashman

“Top justice in brief: Modest and warm; As new chief settles into his role, friends testify on his commitment to fairness.” The Newark Star-Ledger today contains an article that begins, “The chief justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court was stumped.”

Posted at 11:15 AM by Howard Bashman

“Judge OKs Broadcasting Atlanta Trial”: The Associated Press provides a report that begins, “Television crews will be allowed to broadcast the murder trial of a rape defendant accused of killing four people in an escape from a downtown Atlanta courthouse, a judge ruled Thursday.”

And in related coverage, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports today that “Nichols legal team claims it can’t get a fair jury.”

Posted at 11:10 AM by Howard Bashman

“Liberals Find Rays of Hope on Ballot Measures”: The New York Times today contains an article that begins, “Liberal supporters of social issues said yesterday that they were heartened by the outcome of several ballot initiatives around the nation: the first rejection of an amendment restricting marriage to a man and a woman, the success of a much-debated measure to allow stem cell research and the firm defeat of what would have been the nation’s strictest abortion ban.”

The Los Angeles Times today contains articles headlined “Abortion foes energized by their losses; Activists seek new ways to limit access and change minds; One aim: Make women view their fetuses in the womb” and “Gay-marriage votes get diverse spins from activists; Arizona defeats a ban on the unions, but seven states pass them; Supporters on both sides see progress.”

The Argus Leader of Sioux Falls, South Dakota reports today that “S.D. considers next move on abortion; Legislators differ on how to proceed.”

The San Francisco Chronicle yesterday contained an article headlined “Abortion: Early returns reject Prop. 85, which requires doctors to notify unwed teen’s parents.”

And The Boston Globe reports today that “Leaders seek to kill gay marriage ban; Goal is recess without a vote.”

Posted at 8:30 AM by Howard Bashman

“Dwelling Where Lawyer Was Killed Is Robbed; Rowhouse Was Empty Since August Slaying”: The Washington Post today contains an article that begins, “The Northwest Washington rowhouse where prominent lawyer Robert Wone was slain over the summer was burglarized last week, D.C. police said yesterday.”

Posted at 8:22 AM by Howard Bashman

“A British Court’s Libel Judgment Is Reviewed by American Judges; Saudi Sued Ehrenfeld Over Allegations”: The New York Sun today contains an article that begins, “A federal appellate court heard arguments yesterday in the case of a New York-based counterterrorism researcher who was ordered by a British court to pay and apologize to a Saudi billionaire she accused of funding terrorism.”

Posted at 7:50 AM by Howard Bashman

“Is Joe Lieberman the New Anthony Kennedy? And will the New Congress Function Like the Closely-Split, Seesawing Supreme Court?” Edward Lazarus has this essay online at FindLaw.

Posted at 7:44 AM by Howard Bashman