“A New Mystery to Prosecutors: Their Lost Jobs.” The New York Times on Sunday will contain an article that begins, “After Daniel G. Bogden got the call in December telling him that he was being dismissed as the United States attorney in Nevada, he pressed for an explanation.”
“One year in, Alito ‘his own man'”: This article appeared yesterday in The Daily Princetonian.
“Dangerous pursuits: The Supreme Court considers limits on high-speed chases, but police departments should be the ones changing policy.” The Los Angeles Times contains this editorial today.
“Doubts Rise as States Hold Sex Offenders After Prison Terms”: This article will appear Sunday in The New York Times.
“No More Denials, Please”: The New York Times today contains an editorial that begins, “It is time for the Justice Department to stop issuing rote denials that are becoming increasingly hard to believe about the suspicious firing of eight United States attorneys.”
And The Washington Post today contains an editorial entitled “Strange Justice: The mass firing of U.S. attorneys has been poorly managed — at best.”
“Growing Calls in Australia for Terror Suspect’s Return”: The New York Times contains this article today.
Sunday’s edition of The Age of Melbourne, Australia contains articles headlined “Plea deal rests with defence team” and “US has ‘no objection’ to Hicks parole in Australia.”
The Australian Associated Press reports that “Hicks ‘may succumb to plea bargain.’”
And BBC News provides a report headlined “Hicks charge ‘took too much time’; Australian PM John Howard has welcomed a US move to file charges against an Australian man held at Guantanamo Bay for five years without trial.”
“Libby Jury Seeks Clarity On ‘Reasonable Doubt'”: This article appears today in The Washington Post.
And today in The New York Times, Neil A. Lewis reports that “Libby Jury Leaves a Clue as It Heads Into Recess.”
“Justice Thomas scorns media, affirmative action in interview; ‘That’s a lie,’ he says of the notion that he was recruited for college”: David G. Savage has this article today in The Los Angeles Times.
My earlier coverage appears at this link.
“White House Backed U.S. Attorney Firings, Officials Say”: This front page article appears today in The Washington Post.
“Appeals Court Upholds Dismissal of Abuse Suit”: Adam Liptak has this article today in The New York Times.
The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports today that “Court rejects German’s appeal in torture case; State secrets prevent suit from advancing, 4th Circuit judges rule.”
James Vicini of Reuters reports that “Appeals court dismisses CIA torture lawsuit.”
The Associated Press reports that “Court Rejects Detained German’s Lawsuit.”
Today in The Los Angeles Times, Khaled El-Masri has an op-ed entitled “I am not a state secret; Having just lost in court, a CIA kidnap victim asks why the U.S. won’t admit its error.”
And the ACLU yesterday issued a press release titled “Federal Appeals Court Denies Day in Court for Victim of CIA Kidnapping, Citing ‘State Secrets’; ACLU Considers Supreme Court Appeal in Case of Khaled El-Masri; Urges Congress to End Human Rights Abuses.”
My earlier coverage of yesterday’s Fourth Circuit ruling can be accessed here.
Available online from law.com: An article reports that “2nd Circuit Upholds Attorney’s Conviction for Forgery.”
In other news, “Dog-Mauling Case Hits the Calif. High Court.”
And the brand new installment of my weekly “On Appeal” column is headlined “‘Lawrence’ Fails to Open Floodgates to Unfettered Sexual Freedom.”