“A Lawyer Who Turned a Judge Into a National Cause”: Saturday’s edition of The New York Times contained an article that begins, “In the hands of a lesser political bloodhound, the matter might have been simply a court case to decide the fate of the chief justice of Pakistan. In the hands of Aitzaz Ahsan, one of the country’s best known lawyer-politicians, the case of the chief justice was rendered a case of justice under military rule.”
“Mr. Gonzales’s Never-Ending Story”: This editorial appears today in The New York Times.
“Sticking to His Story: Republicans don’t believe him; The FBI director contradicted him; How does Gonzales hang on?” Michael Isikoff will have this article in the August 6, 2007 issue of Newsweek.
“Mining of Data Prompted Fight Over U.S. Spying”: The New York Times today contains a front page article that begins, “A 2004 dispute over the National Security Agency’s secret surveillance program that led top Justice Department officials to threaten resignation involved computer searches through massive electronic databases, according to current and former officials briefed on the program.”
Available online at law.com: Tony Mauro reports that “Both Sides Fear Firing Blanks if D.C. Gun Case Reaches High Court.”
An article is headlined “2nd Circuit: No Time Bar for WorldCom Bondholders.” My earlier coverage of the Second Circuit’s ruling appears at this link.
In other news, “Private Communities Can Regulate Residents’ Speech, N.J. High Court Rules.” My earlier coverage of the ruling appears at this link.
An article reports that “Fla. Appeals Panel Finds in Error Judge Who Made Columbine Remarks.”
And the latest installment of my weekly “On Appeal” column is headlined “In Intra-Circuit Splits, Which Decision Governs?”
“A Long Shot”: The Citizens Voice of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania today contains an article in which I am quoted that begins, “Speaking optimistically, city attorney Kris Kobach said the decision simply put Hazleton ‘down at halftime.’ Mayor Lou Barletta, meanwhile, termed it ‘a slip, not a fall.’ But if history is any indication, Hazleton’s defeat in district court Thursday was a substantial setback. The city plans a vigorous appeal to the 3rd Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in Philadelphia. The odds of winning there, however, are statistically slim.”