“Judges may appoint prosecutor to succeed Mckay”: The Seattle Times today contains an article that begins, “With the appointment of interim U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Sullivan about to end, federal judges in Seattle and Tacoma are preparing to name a new U.S. attorney for Western Washington for what may be the first time. Sullivan was named acting U.S. attorney shortly after the Justice Department’s controversial firing of John McKay in December. His appointment will end Oct. 12, along with those of 11 other interim U.S. attorneys, because of legislation passed this spring, according to the Justice Department.”
“U.S. Attorney in Minnesota Faces Probe; Prosecutor Accused by Staff of Abuse, Retaliation, Mishandling Classified Material”: This article appears today in The Washington Post.
And on Tuesday, the blog “Eric Black Ink” had a post titled “Paulose under investigation by feds.”
“Severability as Judicial Lawmaking”: David H. Gans, program director of the Floersheimer Center for Constitutional Democracy at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, has posted this article (abstract with links for download) at SSRN (via “Legal Theory Blog“).
“The Regulation of Judicial Ethics in the Federal System: A Peek Behind Closed Doors.” Law Professor Arthur D. Hellman has posted this article (abstract with links for download) online at SSRN.
“Supreme Politics: A glimpse behind the scenes as the high court of the land moves to the right.” Today in the Book World section of The Washington Post, Edward Lazarus has this review of Jeffrey Toobin’s new book, “The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court.”
Today in The New York Daily News, David Hinckley has a review headlined “Toobin’s ‘The Nine’ traces path of current Supreme Court.”
And as I previously noted here, in the Sunday Book Review of today’s edition of The New York Times, David Margolick has a lengthy review headlined “Meet the Supremes.”
“Justice Thomas offers his story — in his own words”: Michael Doyle of McClatchy Newspapers provides this report.
The book — “My Grandfather’s Son: A Memoir” — is scheduled to go on sale October 1, 2007, although some booksellers may jump the gun and place the book on sale earlier.
“U.S. court backs state ban on horse-slaughtering for human food”: This article appears today in The Chicago Tribune.
My earlier coverage of Friday’s Seventh Circuit ruling appears at this link.
“Nuance and Resolve in Rulings by Attorney General Nominee”: Adam Liptak has this front page article today in The New York Times.