“The Smart Way to Shut Gitmo Down”: Matthew Waxman has this op-ed today in The Washington Post.
Posted at 10:54 PM by Howard Bashman
Sunday, October 28, 2007
“The Smart Way to Shut Gitmo Down”: Matthew Waxman has this op-ed today in The Washington Post. Posted at 10:54 PM by Howard Bashman“Act on the Shield Law: The Senate majority leader has two good choices.” The Washington Post contains this editorial today. Posted at 10:50 PM by Howard Bashman“On trial in Atlanta: Cost of justice; Georgia’s death penalty cases are on hold as state, judge wrangle over $1.8 million price tag for defending Brian Nichols.” This article will appear Monday in The Christian Science Monitor. And The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports today that “Judge for Nichols hearing is familiar with spotlight.” Posted at 9:00 PM by Howard Bashman“Now free, Genarlow Wilson plans to attend college”: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution provides this news update. Today’s print edition of that newspaper contained an article headlined “Jackson warns of crisis in justice; Thousands of black men wrongly punished, the veteran activist says; Genarlow Wilson to address church today.” The newspaper also contains an editorial entitled “Genarlow Wilson is free … but other victims of Georgia’s sweeping sex offender laws are not.” And columnist Jim Wooten has an op-ed entitled “Court ruling is legislating from the bench.” Posted at 8:55 PM by Howard BashmanMark Sherman of The Associated Press is reporting: He has articles headlined “Black Lawyers Rare at Supreme Court” and “Lawyers’ Group Wants Halt to Executions.” Posted at 6:35 PM by Howard Bashman“Judicial Races Now Rife With Politics; Corporate Funds Help Fuel Change”: Robert Barnes has this front page article today in The Washington Post. Posted at 5:33 PM by Howard Bashman“A killer argument against assisted suicide: In exposing the euthanasia lobby’s disregard for equality before the law, and for free will itself, Neil M Gorsuch has written the most important book yet on the ‘right to die.'” In the October 2007 issue of “the spiked review of books,” Kevin Yuill has this review of Tenth Circuit Judge Neil M. Gorsuch‘s book, “The Future of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia.” Posted at 2:12 PM by Howard Bashman“Justice O’Connor Addresses Oral Argument, Supreme Court”: This article appeared last Wednesday in The Cornell Daily Sun. And The Ithaca Journal on Wednesday reported that “O’Connor stresses role of oral advocacy.” Posted at 2:05 PM by Howard Bashman“Abortion’s ‘So-What’ Factor”: Today in The Washington Post, columnist George F. Will has an op-ed that begins, “Almost 35 years have passed since the Supreme Court decided to end America’s argument about abortion. Because of the court’s supposedly therapeutic intervention in the nation’s supposedly inadequate democratic debate about that subject, the issue still generates an irritable irrationality that was largely absent before 1973.” Posted at 10:08 AM by Howard Bashman“Thomas’ rulings contrast meager beginnings; The justice has carved out a stern judicial philosophy in which his early struggles are rarely apparent”: David G. Savage has this article today in The Los Angeles Times. Last Wednesday in The Chicago Sun-Times, columnist Steve Huntley had an op-ed entitled “Thomas’ life story, philosophy win admirers.” And last Thursday, High Point University issued a news release titled “Justice Clarence Thomas To Speak At HPU Commencement.” Posted at 9:55 AM by Howard Bashman“Scalia honored by Jesse Helms Center; Conservative Supreme Court justice defends his concept of strict constructionism, claiming Constitution ‘is not a living organism’ but a ‘legal document'”: This article appeared in yesterday’s edition of The News & Observer of Raleigh, North Carolina. Posted at 9:52 AM by Howard Bashman“Bush sets US Supreme Court legacy”: BBC News provides this report. Posted at 9:50 AM by Howard Bashman |