Articles of interest recently posted online at SSRN: Professor Helen J. Knowles has an article titled “Clerkish Control of Recent Supreme Court Opinions? A Case Study of Justice Kennedy’s Opinion in Gonzales vs. Carhart” (via “Legal Theory Blog“).
Law Professor Richard C. Schragger has an paper entitled “The Last Progressive: Justice Breyer, Heller, and ‘Judicial Judgment’” (via “Legal Theory Blog“).
Law Professors Charles M. Cameron and Lewis A. Kornhauser have posted online a paper titled “Modeling Collegial Courts (3): Judicial Objectives, Opinion Content, Voting and Adjudication Equilibria” (via “Legal Theory Blog“).
And Law Professors Michael Asimow and Richard Weisberg have posted online an article titled “When the Lawyer Knows the Client is Guilty: Client Confessions in Legal Ethics, Popular Culture, and Literature” (via “Legal Theory Blog“).
“The Loving Decision: Same-sex marriage was beaten back at the ballot box; Now here’s a history lesson on why victory is inevitable in the long run.” Anna Quindlen will have this essay in the November 24, 2008 issue of Newsweek.
“Voting record clouds Obama’s judge picks; GOP likely to respond in kind”: Monday’s edition of The Washington Times will contain an article that begins, “President-elect Barack Obama will be the first president to have participated in Senate filibusters of judicial nominees – a distinction that conservatives say will haunt him in showdowns over anticipated nominations of liberal, activist judges to the federal bench.”
“Procrastination, Deadlines, and Statutes of Limitation”: U.S. Magistrate Judge Andrew J. Wistrich of the Central District of California has this article in the November 2008 issue of the William and Mary Law Review.
“Lori Drew and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act”: Daniel J. Solove has this post today at “Concurring Opinions.”
“A bipartisan Washington begins with Obama’s judicial appointments; Partisan divisions have gotten the US nowhere”: Law Professor Carl Tobias will have this op-ed Monday in The Christian Science Monitor.
“A Circuit the Next President Needs to Complete”: Today in The Washington Post, Law Professor Carl Tobias has an op-ed that begins, “One of the most important tasks that the Constitution delegates to the president is the appointment of federal judges. One of the first assignments that Barack Obama should undertake in discharging this critical responsibility as president is to find excellent judges to fill the four openings on the 15-member U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit.”
“Greg Craig Selected as White House Counsel”: Michael D. Shear and Anne E. Kornblut have this post today at The Washington Post’s presidential transition blog, “44.”
“Former Supreme Court Justice O’Connor & Journalist Linda Greenhouse”: C-SPAN has provided the following description of yesterday evening’s broadcast of “America & the Courts“:
This Saturday on America & the Courts, former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor & former New York Times Supreme Court Reporter Linda Greenhouse talk about covering the Court at an event hosted by the Newseum’s First Amendment Center.
You can view yesterday evening’s broadcast by clicking here (RealPlayer required).