“Pro-life activists march on court; Call on Obama to ‘save lives’ by opposing pro-choice bills”: This article appears today in The Washington Times. The newspaper also provides an update headlined “Obama changes policy on abortion.”
McClatchy Newspapers provide reports headlined “Obama ends funding restrictions for family planning groups” and “On Roe v. Wade anniversary, GOP lawmakers press Obama.”
The Washington Post reports today that “Abortion Foes Recall Lincoln’s Slavery Stand; Crowd Asks Obama to Honor ‘Humanity.’”
The Los Angeles Times reports that “Anti-abortion marchers hope Obama’s listening; Thousands in Washington commemorate Roe vs. Wade and speak up against the president’s position on abortion rights.”
USA Today reports that “Abortion foes find new climate; Obama repeats commitment to right to choose.”
And The Associated Press reports that “Obama reverses Bush abortion-funds policy.”
“Marion White, widow of Supreme Court justice, dies”: The Associated Press provides this report.
And The Denver Post today contains an obituary headlined “Justice’s wife was a community servant.”
The Taco Bell chihuahua, on appeal: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued this ruling today.
Some information on the other lawsuit that gives rise to the lawsuit at issue in today’s Ninth Circuit ruling can be accessed in an article headlined “Taco Bell’s Dog Tale” from Forbes.com.
“In gray area involving fees, justices back union”: Tony Mauro has this news analysis online at the First Amendment Center.
“Court turns away suit over Confederate flag shirts”: The Associated Press provides a report that begins, “A full federal appeals court won’t hear a lawsuit by three Tennessee students threatened with suspension if they wore Confederate flag T-shirts.”
Chief Judge Danny J. Boggs was the only member of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit to note his dissent from today’s order denying rehearing en banc.
The original three-judge panel’s ruling — which issued in August 2008 while I was away — can be viewed at this link.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit revisits the fictional syndrome of sexual dysfunction known as “picquerism”: My coverage from January 2003 of the Second Circuit’s ruling on habeas petitioner Robie J. Drake’s earlier appeal has caused this blog to be a top Google result for those searching for the term “picquerism.”
Today, nearly six years later, the Second Circuit has issued a new opinion focusing heavily on the “picquerism” issue. Today’s ruling conditionally grants Drake’s habeas petition and orders Drake’s release unless New York State provides him a new trial within 90 days.
“Officials: Obama to reverse abortion policy.” The Associated Press provides this report.
“Bush’s ‘War’ On Terror Comes to a Sudden End”: The Washington Post today contains this front page news analysis, along with articles headlined “Obama Reverses Bush Policies On Detention and Interrogation” and “Intelligence Pick Calls Torture Immoral, Ineffective.”
The New York Times reports today that “Obama Reverses Key Bush Security Policies.”
The Los Angeles Times reports that “Obama overturns Bush tactics in war on terrorism; He issues executive orders to prohibit torture and to close Guantanamo and secret CIA prisons overseas; Human rights advocates hail the moves, though tough decisions await.” The newspaper also contains an editorial entitled “Unraveling Bush’s excesses: Obama’s three orders on detainees and interrogation show how tough it will be to undo what Bush did.”
In The Wall Street Journal, Jess Bravin and Siobhan Gorman report that “Obama Closes Detention Network; President Orders Guantanamo Shut, Sets Up Prisoner Reviews, Bans Secret CIA Prisons.” The newspaper also contains an editorial entitled “The Jack Bauer Exception: Obama’s executive order wants it both ways on interrogation.”
USA Today contains a front page article headlined “Obama revamps rules on detainees; Orders prison closed at Guantanamo Bay.”
McClatchy Newspapers provide reports headlined “Obama orders Guantanamo closed, end to CIA prisons, harsh interrogations“; “Obama’s orders only the start of a detainee policy overhaul“; and “Obama sends a message: the United States will not torture.”
The Kansas City Star reports that “Fort Leavenworth is on list of possible new homes for Gauntanamo captives.”
Warren Richey of The Christian Science Monitor reports that “Obama moves to overhaul ‘war on terror’ practices; In three executive orders signed Thursday, he departs sharply from Bush’s policies on Guantanamo, CIA prisons, and harsh interrogation tactics.” The newspaper also contains articles headlined “Obama’s first big moves: His first acts — including an order to close Guantanamo Bay — seek to signal change” and “Closing Guantanamo: Will Europeans take detainees? Europeans, who have long pushed to close the controversial facility, are hesitant to take some of its inmates.”
At Politico.com, Josh Gerstein has a report headlined “Why the Gitmo policies may not change.”
And law.com reports that “Gitmo Attorneys Express Impatience Over Closure Timetable; President Obama’s decision to close detainee facility in a year may be too long to wait, lawyers say.”
“Bush right on Ramos and Compean: Two agents who shot a suspect did not deserve a pardon, but they also didn’t belong in prison for more than 10 years.” This editorial appears today in The Los Angeles Times.
“Obama’s Judicial Choices: Storming the 4th Circuit? A 4th Circuit judge asks Democrats to resist an ideological takeover of the court.” Circuit Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson III of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit has this op-ed today in The Washington Post.
“Fair-Wage Bill Clears The Senate; High Court Decision Would Be Overturned”: The Washington Post contains this article today.
And McClatchy Newspapers report that “Senate approves landmark equal pay legislation.”
“Obama Isn’t the First President to Retake Oath — or Forgo Bible”: This article appears today in The Washington Post.
“Freed by U.S., Saudi Becomes a Qaeda Chief”: The New York Times today contains a front page article that begins, “The emergence of a former Guantanamo Bay detainee as the deputy leader of Al Qaeda’s Yemeni branch has underscored the potential complications in carrying out the executive order President Obama signed Thursday that the detention center be shut down within a year.”
“Autopsy reports are public, high court declares; Two newspapers had sued for results in slaying of Easton police officer”: This article appears today in The Morning Call of Allentown, Pennsylvania.
The Express-Times of Easton, Pennsylvania reports today that “Pa. Supreme Court rules Express-Times should have access to 2005 police shooting autopsy report.”
And The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports that “Autopsy reports public, Pa. court rules.”
Yesterday’s ruling of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania consists of a majority opinion and a concurring and dissenting opinion.
“State off hook for foster kids’ car insurance”: Today in The San Francisco Chronicle, Bob Egelko has an article that begins, “The state’s obligation to help foster parents raise their children does not extend to paying for teenagers’ car insurance, the California Supreme Court said Thursday.”
You can access yesterday’s ruling of the Supreme Court of California at this link.
“Area attorney appears before Supreme Court”: Yesterday’s edition of The Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser contained an article that begins, “A Montgomery-based prosecutor had a hand in a recent Supreme Court ruling that will affect criminal cases across the country. Assistant U.S. Attorney Verne Speirs handled a case out of Coffee County that ended up before U.S. Supreme Court justices.”
“2nd Circuit Skeptical Over Restoration of Rules Curbing Content of Ads”: law.com provides a report that begins, “Questioning from a panel of federal appeals judges Thursday swamped New York state’s primary argument for reinstating a series of restrictions on lawyer advertising that were enjoined in July.”