How Appealing

Thursday, January 29, 2009

“Obama Signs First Piece of Legislation Into Law; Lilly Ledbetter Act Makes It Easier for Workers to Sue for Pay Discrimination”: The Washington Post has this news update.

The New York Times has a news update headlined “Obama Signs Equal-Pay Legislation.”

And The Los Angeles Times has a news update headlined “Michelle Obama salutes Lilly Ledbetter at White House; The first lady, making her first public appearance since the inaugural, hosts a White House reception in honor of Ledbetter, who inspired a new law aimed at ensuring equal pay for women.”

Posted at 2:20 PM by Howard Bashman

“Supreme Court’s Hecht appeals ethics fine”: Chuck Lindell has this post at the “Austin Legal” blog of The Austin American-Statesman.

Posted at 1:54 PM by Howard Bashman

“Fired worker’s suit tests Florida’s concealed-gun law; A Boca Raton man claims he was fired in violation of Florida law for keeping a gun in his car while at work”: This article appears today in The Miami Herald.

Posted at 9:05 AM by Howard Bashman

“Benjamin should stay on case, Massey argues”: Today’s edition of The Charleston (W. Va.) Gazette contains an article that begins, “Forcing a justice to step aside from a case because there is a ‘probability of bias’ because of a possible ‘debt of gratitude’ would create an unworkable recusal standard, Massey Energy Co. argued in a brief filed Wednesday with the U.S. Supreme Court.” Last night, I linked to that brief in this post.

And the web site [email protected]. Carey has posted online an item headlined “Sandra Day O’Connor: Where Judges Can Be Bought and Sold.”

Posted at 8:50 AM by Howard Bashman

“U.S. Can Continue Yemeni’s Detention”: This article appears today in The Washington Post. You can access yesterday’s ruling of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia at this link.

Today in The Wall Street Journal, John Yoo has an op-ed entitled “Obama Made a Rash Decision on Gitmo: The president will soon realize that governing involves hard choices.”

In The New York Times, columnist Nicholas D. Kristof has an op-ed entitled “Putting Torture Behind Us.”

And in The Boston Globe, Richard Clarke has an op-ed entitled “The confusion over renditions.”

Posted at 8:40 AM by Howard Bashman

“Firefighters’ case deemed ‘quite unusual'”: The Yale Daily News today contains an article that begins, “Stereotypically, lawyers rarely agree. But, according to four law school professors, the Supreme Court case Ricci v. DeStefano is quite unusual.”

Posted at 8:32 AM by Howard Bashman

“First of 8,000 antitobacco suits to go to trial in Florida; Once part of a huge class action lawsuit, plaintiffs are now waging fights one at a time”: This article appears today in The Christian Science Monitor.

Posted at 7:55 AM by Howard Bashman

“Legal System Struggles With How to React When Police Officers Lie”: Amir Efrati has this article today in The Wall Street Journal.

Posted at 7:48 AM by Howard Bashman