“British woman on Texas death row loses federal appeal”: The Houston Chronicle has this news update.
And The Associated Press reports that “British woman on Texas death row loses appeal.”
You can access yestereday’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit at this link.
“Appeals court overturns campaign finance rules”: The Associated Press has this report.
And at “The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times,” Jordan Weissmann has a post titled “D.C. Circuit Strikes Down Campaign Finance Rules.”
My earlier coverage of today’s D.C. Circuit ruling appears at this link.
“Court affirms use of chemical terrorism law against Lansdale woman”: Today’s edition of The Philadelphia Inquirer contains this article reporting on a ruling that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit issued yesterday.
“Supreme Court asked to stop 2nd Ohio execution try”: The Associated Press has this report.
“Signs From the High Court of a More Sensible Use of Appellate Rule 1925”: On Monday of this week, The Legal Intelligencer — Philadelphia’s daily newspaper for lawyers — published this month’s installment of my “Upon Further Review” column.
Because the column may be of interest to attorneys who handle appeals in Pennsylvania state courts, I’ve posted the text of the column at this link.
D.C. Circuit declares unconstitutional several new Federal Election Commission regulations that restrict how non-profits may spend and raise money to advance their preferred policy positions and political candidates: You can access today’s ruling, by a partially divided three-judge panel, at this link.
“SJC OK’s secret use of GPS devices; Rules set for police to plant tracking devices in suspect’s vehicle”: This article appears today in The Boston Globe.
And The Cape Cod Times reports today that “State’s high court allows GPS surveillance.”
You can access yesterday’s ruling of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts at this link.
The Harvard Crimson is reporting: Today’s newspaper contains articles headlined “Souter Debates Constitution; Harvard celebrates federally mandated Constitution Day” and “HLS Clerkships Fall Short in Ranking; Higher percentage of 2007 Yale Law School grads received the prestigious positions.”
“Gerard Lynch confirmed for New York appeals court”: The Associated Press has this report.
At the “Legal Beat” blog of CQ Politics, Seth Stern has a post titled “Senate Confirms First Circuit Court Judge.”
And at “The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times,” David Ingram has a post titled “Obama Gets First Win Among Circuit Nominees.”
“Strippers’ lawsuit challenges independent contractor status”: Jonathan Saltzman has this article today in The Boston Globe.