“Philip Berg, a lawyer acting pro se, filed this action challenging Barack Obama’s eligibility to run for and serve as President of the United States.” So begins a ruling that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit issued today.
And today’s opinion concludes, “Because there is no case or controversy, we will affirm
the District Court’s order dismissing Berg’s action.”
“U.S. ex-spy Plame and publisher lose memoir appeal”: Reuters has this report.
The Associated Press has a report headlined “Court: CIA Didn’t Violate Plame’s Rights; N.Y. Court Upholds 2007 Decision that Barred Former CIA Operative from Revealing Length of her Tenure with Agency.”
Chad Bray of Dow Jones Newswires has a report headlined “Appeals Court: CIA Didn’t Violate Ex-Agent’s Free Speech Rights.”
The New York Law Journal reports that “Circuit Upholds Ban on Disclosure of Details About Former Spy’s Service.”
And at “The Am Law Daily” blog, Zach Lowe has a post titled “Weil Can’t Help Plame Un-Redact Book.”
My earlier coverage of today’s Second Circuit ruling appears at this link.
On losing your sex appeal: BBC News has a report headlined “Noisy sex woman loses appeal bid,” along with an earlier report headlined “Court hears couple’s sex sessions.”
In today’s edition of The Daily Mail (UK), columnist Craig Brown has an essay entitled “Silence in court! This case is a real scream…”
Yesterday’s edition of The Daily Mirror (UK) contained an article headlined “Noisy sex ‘scary as murder.’”
And earlier this week, The Telegraph (UK) reported that “Woman claims order banning her from noisy sex is breach of human rights.”
“Nominations Talk Opens Federalist Convention”: At “The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times,” David Ingram has a post that begins, “The top Republican on the Senate Judiciary committee launched the Federalist Society’s annual convention this morning with a call to oppose President Barack Obama’s most liberal nominees for the federal bench.”
Second Circuit holds that the CIA did not violate the First Amendment when it refused to allow Valerie Plame Wilson to publish information regarding her possible pre-2002 service with the Agency, notwithstanding the prior public disclosure of that information: You can access today’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit at this link.
Oh, bother: The Associated Press reports that “Winnie the Pooh royalties dispute appealed.”
“Monroe honking case makes it to state Supreme Court; The argument over a woman’s use of her horn in Monroe goes to the state Supreme Court”: Yesterday’s edition of The Daily Herald of Everett, Washington contained an article that begins, “A former Monroe woman once jailed over honking her horn during a neighborhood squabble over chickens is taking her fight against Snohomish County’s noise rules to the state Supreme Court.”
“Ricci‘s Back In Court”: The New Haven Independent has an article that begins, “Four months after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of 20 New Haven firefighters, the controversial case has landed back in a local courthouse, where a jury trial looms.”
“John O’Connor dies at age 79; Justice’s spouse was expert lawyer”: This obituary appears today in The Arizona Republic.
Today’s edition of The New York Times contains an obituary headlined “John J. O’Connor III, Husband of Former Justice, Is Dead at 79.”
The Washington Post contains an obituary headlined “John J. O’Connor III: Ariz. lawyer, husband of pioneering jurist.”
And The Los Angeles Times contains an obituary headlined “John J. O’Connor III dies at 79; attorney and husband of former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor; In a groundbreaking role reversal, he gave up his partnership at a venerable Phoenix law firm to accompany her to Washington when she became the court’s first female member in 1981.”
“Law Students See Their Work in Action at Supreme Court”: law.com has this report.
“Panel debates media, U.S. Supreme Court”: This article appears today in The Daily Princetonian.
“New Lawsuits Try to Pierce Shield of Judicial Immunity”: Ashby Jones has this article today in The Wall Street Journal. You can access the full text of the article via Google News.
“Her Honor: A Portrait of Justice Sonia Sotomayor.” Latina magazine has posted online this lengthy excerpt of the cover story from its December/January issue.