“Manhattan Transfer: The right’s nonsensical arguments against trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in New York.” Dahlia Lithwick has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.
Posted at 10:44 PM by Howard Bashman
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![]() Monday, November 16, 2009
“Manhattan Transfer: The right’s nonsensical arguments against trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in New York.” Dahlia Lithwick has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate. Posted at 10:44 PM by Howard Bashman“llinois leaders split on taking Guantanamo detainees at state prison; Idea of transferring Guantanamo detainees to a prison in Illinois has backing of state’s top Democrats, but Republican congressmen balk”: The Christian Science Monitor has this report. Posted at 10:42 PM by Howard Bashman“Supreme Court: Miami school can ban book on Cuba; The Supreme Court Monday declined to hear a challenge to a Miami school board decision that removed a book about Cuba from public schools; The book was seen as presenting too cheery a view of life in Cuba.” Warren Richey of The Christian Science Monitor has this report. The Miami Herald has a news update headlined “Supreme Court turns down Cuban book case.” And The Associated Press reports that “Court won’t get involved in book banning case.” Posted at 10:34 PM by Howard Bashman“Court won’t hear Redskins case; Justices decline to review ruling on team nickname”: Robert Barnes will have this article Tuesday in The Washington Post. And Warren Richey of The Christian Science Monitor reports that “Washington Redskins can keep team name; Supreme Court refuses native Americans’ suit; Seven native Americans had sued to force the Washington Redskins to change the team name; The Supreme Court on Monday let stand a ruling that their challenge came too late.” Posted at 10:27 PM by Howard Bashman“30 Years After Murder, Is His Appeal Too Late?” Adam Liptak will have this article Tuesday in The New York Times. Posted at 10:25 PM by Howard Bashman“Obama Looks to Move Judges; Confirmation Pace Too Slow”: Tuesday’s edition of Roll Call will contain an article that begins, “The White House is quietly urging Senate Democrats to come up with a list of potential candidates for the federal bench, hoping to flood the pipeline with circuit and district court nominees and ratchet up the pressure on Republicans to confirm them.” Politico.com reports that “Senate GOP will try to block nominee.” FOXNews com reports that “Senator Plans to Filibuster Obama Judicial Appointee.” At “The Caucus” blog of The New York Times, Charlie Savage has a post titled “G.O.P. Senator Supports a Filibuster for Judicial Nominee.” The “Swampland” blog of Time magazine has a post titled “Sessions to Filibuster Obama’s 7th Circuit Nominee.” The Journal Gazette of Fort Wayne, Indiana reports that “Lugar defends Hoosier judicial nominee.” Gannett News Service reports that “Lugar defends Hamilton as judicial pick.” On Tuesday’s broadcast of NPR’s “Morning Edition,” Nina Totenberg will have an audio segment entitled “GOP Opposition Slows Obama’s Judicial Nominees.” And McClatchy Newspapers have posted online an op-ed by law professor Carl Tobias entitled “Confirming Judge Hamilton for the Seventh Circuit.” Posted at 9:45 PM by Howard Bashman“U.S. Supreme Court restores, for the third time, death sentence for California murderer; The justices reverse an appeals court ruling, saying jurors wouldn’t have been swayed by Fernando Belmontes’ tough childhood; Belmontes beat a woman to death with a dumbbell to steal her stereo”: David G. Savage will have this article Tuesday in The Los Angeles Times. Bob Egelko of The San Francisco Chronicle has a news update headlined “Central Valley killer back in line for death.” And at “The Volokh Conspiracy,” Orin Kerr has a post titled “Reinhardt Reversed for Third Time in Same Case.” Posted at 9:30 PM by Howard Bashman“History lesson on 2nd Amendment’s reach”: Lyle Denniston has this post at “SCOTUSblog.” Posted at 9:23 PM by Howard BashmanAccess online today’s Order List of the U.S. Supreme Court: The Court has posted today’s Order List at this link. The Court today granted review in one case and called for the views of the Solicitor General in one case. In addition, the Court issued a per curiam opinion in Wong v. Belmontes, No. 08-1263, along with a concurring opinion by Justice John Paul Stevens. At “SCOTUSblog,” Lyle Denniston has a post titled “Court adds one new case.” And in early news coverage, The Associated Press reports that “Court won’t hear complaint about Redskins name” and “Court turns down student over religious speech.” Posted at 10:05 AM by Howard Bashman“Judges could free detainees moved to U.S.” At Politico.com, Josh Gerstein has an article that begins, “When it comes to keeping Guantanamo inmates locked up indefinitely in the United States, the problem really isn’t the jails, some lawyers say–it’s the judges and the law.” Posted at 10:02 AM by Howard Bashman |
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