“Two Ideological Foes Unite to Overturn Proposition 8”: This article will appear Monday in The New York Times.
Monday’s edition of The Washington Post will contain an article headlined “Same-sex marriage set for big day in federal court.”
And in Monday’s edition of The Los Angeles Times, Maura Dolan will have an article headlined “Prop. 8 trial to include unprecedented testimony; Challengers of the same-sex marriage ban plan to call to the stand homosexual couples, experts on the history of sexual discrimination and marriage, and the architects of the ballot measure.”
“Chief justice of state Supreme Court suffers stroke”: The Times-Picayune of New Orleans has this news update.
“Abortion issue front and center in Roeder murder trial”: Today’s edition of The Wichita Eagle contains an article that begins, “When Scott Roeder’s murder trial begins Monday, the question won’t be whether or not he killed George Tiller.”
“Insurance Mandate Feeds GOP’s Attack on Legal Front”: Jess Bravin will have this article Monday in The Wall Street Journal.
“Debating TV for Prop. 8 trial; YouTube webcast set for Monday”: Lyle Denniston has this post at “SCOTUSblog.”
And at “The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times,” Tony Mauro has a post titled “Camera Issue Hurriedly Raised Before Supreme Court.”
“U.S. Supreme Court could oveturn landmark Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce case”: This article appears today in The Grand Rapids Press.
The Associated Press has a report headlined “Super Bowl-style corporate ads for candidates?”
And today in The Los Angeles Times, Monica Youn has an op-ed entitled “Giving corporations an outsized voice in elections: Voters stand to lose out if the Supreme Court treats political spending by businesses and other big-money players as protected speech.”
“Trial over Proposition 8 set to make history”: Howard Mintz has this article today in The San Jose Mercury News.
And in the January 18, 2010 issue of Newsweek, Theodore B. Olson will have an essay entitled “The Conservative Case for Gay Marriage: Why same-sex marriage is an American value.”
“U.S. Supreme Court: In terror war, to hell with international law?” Michael Kirkland of UPI has this report.