“Democrats Divide on Voice of Possible Top-Court Pick”: In Monday’s edition of The Wall Street Journal, Jess Bravin will have an article that begins, “Democrats gearing up for a possible Supreme Court vacancy are divided over whether President Barack Obama should appoint a prominent liberal voice while their party still commands a large Senate majority, or go with someone less likely to stoke Republican opposition.”
“NRA, onetime ally feud over next big guns case to go before Supreme Court”: Robert Barnes will have this article Monday in The Washington Post.
“Libel case could relax defamation laws”: This article appears today in The Sunday Times of London.
“Federal judge breathes new life into 30-year-old death penalty case from San Jose”: Howard Mintz has this article today in The San Jose Mercury News.
“U.S. Supreme Court: Will justices catch the gay marriage bouquet?” Michael Kirkland of UPI has this report.
And today in The San Francisco Chronicle, columnists Phillip Matier and Andrew Ross have an essay entitled “Judge being gay a nonissue during Prop. 8 trial.”