Don’t arrest the zombies: The Minneapolis Star Tribune has a news update headlined “Appeals court gives new life to local ‘zombie’ suit; The U.S. Court of Appeals on Wednesday released a ruling in favor of a group of zombies who say they were wrongfully arrested while protesting consumerism during the 2006 Aquatennial.”
You can access today’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit at this link.
“Before Justices, First Amendment and Aid to Terrorists”: Adam Liptak has this article today in The New York Times.
Today in The Washington Post, Robert Barnes reports that “Supreme Court weighs free speech against aid to terrorists.”
David G. Savage of The Los Angeles Times reports that “Supreme Court weighs anti-terrorism law, free-speech rights; The justices sound closely split over whether a USC professor illegally advised the Kurdistan Workers Party, listed as a foreign terrorist group.”
In USA Today, Joan Biskupic reports that “Supreme Court seems split on dispute testing terror law.”
In The Wall Street Journal, Jess Bravin reports that “Justices Wrestle With Terror Law.”
Warren Richey of The Christian Science Monitor has an article headlined “Supreme Court: Peace activists challenge US antiterror law; The Supreme Court heard arguments Tuesday on whether an antiterror law violates the Constitution; The US solicitor general calls it ‘a vital weapon’; A lawyer for international peace activists argues it will send his clients to prison.”
And’s Tony Mauro reports that “Justices Seem Receptive to First Amendment Challenge to Anti-Terror Law; Apart from Scalia, support for the government’s position seemed weak.”
“2nd Circuit Denies En Banc Review of Lynne Stewart’s Sentence”: has this report.
My earlier coverage of yesterday’s order appears at this link.
“3rd Circuit Weighs Validity of Fines in ‘Wardrobe Malfunction’ Case”: Shannon P. Duffy has this article today in The Legal Intelligencer.
My most recent earlier coverage appears at this link.
“Court Says Miranda Rights Don’t Bar Requestioning”: Adam Liptak will have this article Thursday in The New York Times.
In Thursday’s edition of The Washington Post, Robert Barnes will have an article headlined “Supreme Court rules that request for lawyer in questioning has expiration.”
In Thursday’s edition of The Los Angeles Times, David G. Savage will have an article headlined “Supreme Court puts expiration date on ‘right to remain silent’; The justices rule that a suspect who invokes that protection can be questioned again after 14 days.”
Jesse J. Holland of The Associated Press reports that “Court says inmate’s lawyer request no longer valid.”
James Vicini of Reuters has an article headlined “Supreme Court: Police can question suspect after release.”
And Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News reports that “U.S. High Court Backs Police on Questioning Suspects.”
You can access today’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Maryland v. Shatzer, No. 08-680, at this link.
“Obama Nominates Judge Chatigny For Second Circuit Seat”: The Hartford Courant has this news update.
And The Associated Press reports that “Judge in Connecticut nominated for appeals court.”
The official White House announcement can be accessed here.
“Obama nominates Cal professor to federal appeals court”: Josh Richman of The Oakland Tribune has a news update that begins, “President Barack Obama on Wednesday nominated University of California, Berkeley Boalt Hall School of Law Associate Dean and Professor Goodwin Liu to a seat on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.”
Earlier, today’s edition of The Los Angeles Times reports that “Obama zeros in on law professor for 9th Circuit post; UC Berkeley’s Goodwin Liu will be nominated to the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, The Times has learned; Though he will face opposition from conservatives, he has admirers in that camp as well.”
“The Swamp” blog of The Chicago Tribune has a post titled “Obama judicial appointee: Alito critic.”
And Berkeley Law has issued news releases headlined “Berkeley Law’s Goodwin Liu Nominated to Ninth Circuit Court” and “President Obama Nominates Berkeley Law’s Goodwin Liu for U.S. Court of Appeals.”
The official White House announcement can be accessed here.