How Appealing

Saturday, April 3, 2010

“School Law Clinics Face a Backlash”: Sunday’s edition of The New York Times will contain an article that begins, “Law school students nationwide are facing growing attacks in the courts and legislatures as legal clinics at the schools increasingly take on powerful interests that few other nonprofit groups have the resources to challenge.”

Posted at 8:03 PM by Howard Bashman

“After years as justice, John Paul Stevens wants what’s ‘best for the court'”: Robert Barnes will have this article Sunday in The Washington Post.

In Sunday’s edition of The New York Times, Adam Liptak will have an article headlined “At 89, Stevens Contemplates Law, and How to Leave It.”

The Associated Press reports that “Justice Stevens says he’ll retire in Obama’s term.”

And Reuters reports that “US high court’s Stevens to decide soon on retiring.”

Posted at 7:55 PM by Howard Bashman