“Charges dropped against driver who made deer-killing video”: This article appeared yesterday in The St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Yesterday’s edition of The Telegraph of Alton, Illinois contained an article headlined “Charges dropped in ‘Deer Commander’ case; Supreme Court ruling benefits Kampsville man.”
And The Associated Press reports that “Ruling aids driver who rammed deer; After precedent, prosecution has to drop charges.”
“Question to Justice Scalia: Does the Establishment Clause Permit the Disregard of Devout Catholics?” Michael Newdow has written this law review article, which he has posted to SSRN.
“Legal Victory Raises Profile of an Atheist Group”: The New York Times contains this article today.
The Associated Press reports that “Atheists, religious groups lobby on Day of Prayer.”
And today’s edition of The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that “Atheist group wants City of Milwaukee to end Good Friday holiday.”
“‘I would like the firing squad, please’; Judge signs execution warrant after hearing legal objections”: This article appears today in The Salt Lake Tribune.
The Deseret News reports today that “Ronnie Lee Gardner requests firing squad; execution date set June 18; Judge signs death warrant.”
And The New York Times contains an article headlined “‘The Firing Squad, Please,’ Says Prisoner.”
“Obama’s Supreme Court point man low-key but tough”: The Associated Press has this report.
Tony Mauro of The National Law Journal has an article headlined “Pressure Grows to Pick a Nonjudge for the High Court; All nine justices on the current U.S. Supreme Court hail from the federal appellate bench.”
And in today’s edition of The New York Times, Linda Greenhouse has an op-ed entitled “American (Judicial) Idol.”
“Despite High Court Denial, Battle Over Bikini Atoll Bombing Endures; Congress may be the next venue for attorney Jonathan Weisgall’s 35-year fight on behalf of displaced Bikini Atoll residents”: Tony Mauro of The National Law Journal has this report.