How Appealing

Sunday, May 30, 2010

“Senators Target Supreme Court’s ‘Exxon’ Ruling in Effort to Make Oil Companies Pay for Spills”: Marcia Coyle of The National Law Journal has this report.

Posted at 2:35 PM by Howard Bashman

“A Messy Loss For Climate Lawsuit Plaintiffs”: At the “On the Docket” blog at, Daniel Fisher has a post that begins, “The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has decided, in a convoluted and dissent-provoking way, not to decide a politically charged global-warming lawsuit against ExxonMobil, BP, AES, Dow Chemical and most of the rest of the American industrial establishment.”

My most recent earlier coverage appears in this post.

Posted at 2:30 PM by Howard Bashman

“Souter defends judicial activism; Says perspectives change with time”: This article appeared Friday in The Boston Globe.

Friday’s edition of The Harvard Crimson reported that “Souter Presents Judicial Philosophy in Commencement Speech.”

And the Harvard Gazette has posted online an article headlined “Plain language, complex meanings: In Commencement address, retired Justice Souter says Constitution can be a conflicting document.”

You can access the prepared text of Justice David H. Souter’s commencement address at this link.

Posted at 2:20 PM by Howard Bashman

“Supreme Court justice by appointment, big sister for life”: Friday’s edition of The Post-Standard of Syracuse, New York contained an article that begins, “Dr. Juan Sotomayor never allowed himself to believe. Sure, big-time journalists across the nation were predicting that his older sister, Sonia Sotomayor, might become a justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. The possibility was so magnificent, so celestial, that Juan feared the crushing disappointment if it didn’t happen.”

Posted at 2:11 PM by Howard Bashman

“From Carswell to Kagan: Learning the hard way to vet court nominees; Be rigorous with background checks — and don’t forget the ‘sex, drugs and rock-and-roll’ questions.” David G. Savage has this article today in The Los Angeles Times.

The Chicago Tribune reports today that “U. of C. law faculty didn’t back Kagan; No job offer when she sought return after Clinton duty.”

And The Boston Globe contains an editorial entitled “Kagan: No, a B-minus is not a cataclysm.”

Posted at 2:00 PM by Howard Bashman