“Judge’s fate in panel’s hands; Whether Sharon Keller followed court procedures in handling of death row appeal debated”: Chuck Lindell has this article today in The Austin American-Statesman.
The San Antonio Express-News reports today that “Judge Keller’s fate now is in panel’s hands.”
Dave Montgomery of The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports that “Panel begins deliberating after hearing on Texas criminal appeals court’s top judge.”
The Dallas Morning News reports that “Texas judicial panel hears complaint against Keller.”
Nathan Koppel of The Wall Street Journal reports that “Texas Agency Weighs Penalty for Judge in Thwarted Appeal.”
The Associated Press reports that “Texas judge’s career in disciplinary panel’s hands.”
And Mary Alice Robbins of Texas Lawyer reports that “Sharon Keller Case in Hands of Judicial Conduct Commission; Commission’s special counsel tells commission that Texas’ top criminal court’s presiding judge violated long-standing execution-day protocols.”
“Kagan’s E-Mail at Clinton White House Reveals a Blunt, Savvy Legal Adviser”: Adam Liptak and Sheryl Gay Stolberg have this article today in The New York Times. Tomorrow’s newspaper, meanwhile, will contain an article headlined “The Kagan Family: Left-Leaning and Outspoken.”
Today’s edition of The Washington Post contains an article headlined “Kagan’s newly released e-mails reveal confident voice in Clinton White House.”
James Oliphant of The Los Angeles Times reports that “Clinton library releases Kagan e-mails; The Supreme Court nominee was more of an administrator than provocateur during her time in the Clinton White House, according to the messages.”
Jess Bravin of The Wall Street Journal has an article headlined “In Clinton-Era Emails, Glimpses of Kagan’s Personality.”
At Politico.com, Josh Gerstein reports that “Kagan emails show N.Y. state of mind.”
The Associated Press reports that “Kagan’s e-mails show dry wit, political savvy.”
Laura Litvan and Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News report that “Kagan Demonstrates Political Approach in Clinton Policy Issues.”
And at “The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times,” Tony Mauro has a post titled “Kagan E-mails Released by Clinton Library.”