“Senators signal contentious hearing on Supreme Court nominee”: CNN.com has this report.
Posted at 8:14 PM by Howard Bashman
Sunday, June 27, 2010
“Senators signal contentious hearing on Supreme Court nominee”: CNN.com has this report. Posted at 8:14 PM by Howard Bashman“Martin Ginsburg, justice’s husband, dies”: The Associated Press has this report. And the Public Information Office of the U.S. Supreme Court issued this news release earlier today. Posted at 8:07 PM by Howard Bashman“GOP senators: Can Kagan be impartial judge?” Mark Sherman of The Associated Press has this report. Hearst Newspapers have reports headlined “Conservatives not united in opposing Kagan” and “Liberals question Kagan’s stance on detainees.” Today’s edition of The Philadelphia Inquirer contains a front page article headlined “Specter ready to press Kagan to take a stand.” Today’s edition of The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that “Kagan getting her day in court; Specter could grill her over activism, lack of paper trail at Senate hearing.” The Boston Globe Sunday Magazine contains an article by Farah Stockman headlined “Elena Kagan and the Harvard stigma: Sadly, the knee-jerk label of elitist just won’t die.” And in The Washington Post, law professors John F. Manning and David A. Strauss have an op-ed entitled “Why Elena Kagan should drop the ‘Kagan standard’ at her hearings.” Posted at 2:22 PM by Howard Bashman“Court to rule on corporate reform law and gun rights”: James Vicini of Reuters has this report. Posted at 9:03 AM by Howard Bashman |