“Evolving Circumstances, Enduring Values”: In the Sunday Book Review section of tomorrow’s edition of The New York Times, Jeff Shesol will have this review of Justice Stephen G. Breyer’s new book, “Making Our Democracy Work: A Judge’s View.”
“Vermont high court: Trying to view woman showering doesn’t equate to voyeurism.” The Associated Press has this report on a ruling that the Supreme Court of Vermont issued yesterday in a case captioned State v. Devoid.
“Constitution does not ban sex bias, Scalia says”: Bob Egelko has this article today in The San Francisco Chronicle.
The Contra Costa Times reports today that “Supreme Court’s Scalia talks Constitution at UC Hastings appearance.”
And the “Legal Pad” blog of The Recorder has a post titled “Scalia Is a Hit at Hastings.”
“UT hosts U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas; Justice speaks to law students, will attend football game today”: This article appears today in The Knoxville News Sentinel.
“Utah A.G. lines up against violent video game ban”: In today’s edition of The Salt Lake Tribune, Robert Gehrke has an article that begins, “Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff has joined his colleagues in nine other states, urging the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down a California law aimed at restricting the sale of violent video games to children.”