“Pro-choice forces seek to prevent referendum; Mississippi slated to vote on ‘personhood'”: The Washington Times has a news update that begins, “Stepping into a growing national debate over abortion rights, the Mississippi Supreme Court heard arguments Monday about whether to allow a ‘personhood’ amendment to remain on the ballot this fall.”
“Supreme Court Declines to Take GE Challenge of Superfund”: Lawrence Hurley of Greenwire has this report (via The New York Times).
And Reuters reports that “U.S. court rejects GE challenge to EPA cleanup orders.”
“Did jail strip search go too far? Supreme Court lets ruling stand; A federal appeals court ruled that a woman’s intimate search of a male inmate — which was filmed and watched by dozens — was unreasonable; The Supreme Court declined to take the case.” Warren Richey of The Christian Science Monitor has this report.
And Bill Mears of CNN.com reports that “Supreme Court upholds liability judgment in cross-gender inmate search.”
“Senate confirms Obama lawyer as solicitor general”: The Associated Press has a report that begins, “The Senate on Monday confirmed White House lawyer Donald Verrilli Jr. to succeed Justice Elena Kagan as U.S. solicitor general.”
And at “SCOTUSblog,” Lyle Denniston has a post titled “Verrilli gets final OK as SG.”
“Gov. Jan Brewer names D.C. attorney as lead counsel in SB 1070 petition”: The Arizona Republic has a news update that begins, “Gov. Jan Brewer has appointed Washington D.C.-based attorney and former U.S. Solicitor General Paul Clement as lead counsel for the state’s petition against the federal government in the Senate Bill 1070 case.”
And The Associated Press reports that “AZ gov picks prominent lawyer for immigration case.”
“Court tosses ruling against Hazleton’s illegal immigration law”: The Citizens’ Voice of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania has this news update.
And Warren Richey of The Christian Science Monitor reports that “Supreme Court demands review of ruling in anti-illegal immigration case; A federal appeals court ruled that the anti-illegal immigration laws of Hazleton, Pa., clashed with federal authority; But the Supreme Court is telling the appeals court to reconsider the case.”
“High court rejects Stanford’s bid to revive lawsuit with Roche over AIDS treatment patents”: Howard Mintz of The San Jose Mercury News has this update.
Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News reports that “Roche Wins as U.S. High Court Limits Research Universities’ Patent Rights.”
And Brent Kendall of Dow Jones Newswires reports that “Supreme Court Sides With Roche In Patent Battle With Stanford.”
“Supreme Court considers collective bargaining case”: The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has this report.
And The Associated Press reports that “Wis. DOJ argues authority exceeded in union case.”
Access online today’s Order List and rulings in argued cases of the U.S. Supreme Court: You can access today’s Order List at this link. The Court granted review in two cases.
The Court today also issued rulings in four argued cases.
1. Justice Elena Kagan delivered the opinion for a unanimous Court in Fox v. Vice, No. 10-114. You can access the oral argument via this link.
2. Justice Clarence Thomas delivered the opinion for a unanimous Court in McNeill v. United States, No. 10-5258. You can access the oral argument via this link.
3. The Chief Justice delivered the opinion of the Court in Board of Trustees of Leland Stanford Junior Univ. v. Roche Molecular Systems, Inc., No. 09-1159. Justice Sonia Sotomayor issued a concurring opinion. And Justice Stephen G. Breyer issued a dissenting opinion, in which Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg joined. You can access the oral argument via this link.
4. And the Chief Justice delivered the opinion for a unanimous Court in Erica P. John Fund, Inc. v. Halliburton Co., No. 09-1403. You can access the oral argument via this link.
In early news coverage, The Associated Press has reports headlined “Court says university, company co-owners of patent“; “Court says Halliburton lawsuit can go forward“; “Court: Career criminal won’t get less prison time“; “Court says victim doesn’t have to pay lawyer fees“; “Court orders new look at Pa. city immigration regs“; “High court denies former Sen. Burris appeal“; and “Supreme Court turns down Snipes’ appeal.”
“Split between Alex Salmond and Kenny MacAskill over UK Supreme Court; A major split has emerged between Alex Salmond and his Justice Minister after the First Minister said he would not withhold funding from the UK Supreme Court”: This article appears today in The Telegraph (UK).
And today’s edition of The Herald of Scotland contains an article headlined “Salmond in bid to brush off Supreme Court attacks.”
“Is California crime drop due to ‘three-strikes’ law?” Columnist Dan Walters has this op-ed today in The Sacramento Bee.
“In their push for ‘original meaning,’ conservatives stand on shaky ground”: Law professor Geoffrey R. Stone had this op-ed yesterday in The Philadelphia Inquirer.
“When fear trumps liberty: The recently renewed Patriot Act interferes with freedoms in the name of preserving them; Sixty years earlier, a communist-fearing U.S. government went down the same path, with the help of the Supreme Court.” Scott Martelle has this op-ed today in The Los Angeles Times.
“Consensus-driven Supreme Court under the microscope”: Kirk Makin has this article today in The Toronto Globe and Mail.
In addition, today’s newspaper contains an editorial entitled “Trust parliamentarians to ask tough questions of Supreme Court appointees.”
“Paw Paw & Lady Love: Has the Supreme Court ever heard such a peculiarly American story as that of Anna Nicole Smith? And they didn’t know the half of it.” Dan P. Lee has this article in the June 13, 2011 issue of New York magazine.
“Court’s dynamic NY duo: Kagan, Soto united.” This article appears today in The New York Post.
“Wal-Mart Tops U.S. High Court Agenda as Violent Video Game Ruling Looms”: Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News has this report.