How Appealing

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

“Judges sharply challenge healthcare law; Skeptical questions from three federal judges in Atlanta suggest they may be ready to declare unconstitutional all or part of the healthcare law promoted by the Obama administration and passed last year by Congress”: David G. Savage of The Los Angeles Times has this news update.

Joan Biskupic of USA Today has a news update headlined “Appeals court weighs health insurance mandate.”

The St. Petersburg Times has a news update headlined “Legal fight continues over health care reform law.”

The Palm Beach Post has a news update headlined “Appeals judges focus on individual mandate, severability, Medicaid in health-care law hearing.”

And Bloomberg News reports that “Health-Care Law Must Stand, U.S. Tells Third Appeals Court in Atlanta.”

Posted at 9:04 PM by Howard Bashman

“Two Ontario judges frontrunners for Supreme Court vacancies”: In today’s edition of The Toronto Globe and Mail, Kirk Makin has an article that begins, “A pair of senior Ontario judges are emerging as leading contenders in a contest to fill two vacancies on the Supreme Court of Canada.”

Posted at 10:22 AM by Howard Bashman

“Major new corporate case at Court; A new appeal challenges the Second Circuit Court’s deeply divided ruling that foreign corporations cannot be sued in U.S. courts, under a 1789 law, for war crimes or human rights abuses”: Lyle Denniston has this post at “SCOTUSblog,” which has placed the petition for writ of certiorari online at this link.

My earlier posts covering the case can be accessed here and here.

Posted at 9:52 AM by Howard Bashman

“Atlanta court becomes health care battleground”: Bill Rankin has this article today in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Today’s edition of The St. Petersburg Times contains an article headlined “In fighting health care law, Florida rejects millions in federal aid.”

Earlier this week, Joan Biskupic of USA Today reported that “Appeals court to hear states’ case against health care law.”

Warren Richey of The Christian Science Monitor has an article headlined “Health-care battle: A third US appeals court weighs law’s constitutionality; Lawyers representing 26 states square off Wednesday against the Obama administration; Both sides bring top legal talent to the appeal of a ruling by a federal judge in Florida who invalidated the entire health-care law.”

At, Ariane de Vogue reports that “Obama Health Care Bill Next Up for Appeals Court Challenge.” reports that “States Objecting to Health Care Law to Get Day in Appeals Court.”

The Associated Press reports that “Health overhaul fight in pivotal Atlanta court.”

Bloomberg News reports that “Health-Care Law Must Stand, Obama Administration Tells Third Appeals Court.”

In yesterday’s edition of The Wall Street Journal, Richard A. Epstein and Mario Loyola had an op-ed entitled “ObamaCare’s Next Constitutional Challenge: The Medicaid provision of the health law spells the death knell for competition among the states.”

And at the “aca litigation blog,” Brad Joondeph has a post titled “The Medicaid question.”

C-SPAN is apparently planning to post the oral argument audio online, so I will provide a link to the audio when it becomes available.

Posted at 9:38 AM by Howard Bashman