“Patent case has high stakes for medical tests; The Supreme Court will hear Mayo Clinic’s argument that patents aren’t appropriate for certain tests”: The Minneapolis Star Tribune has an article that begins, “The anti-inflammatory drug azathioprine is tricky to dose. If doctors give too much, it is toxic and potentially deadly. Too little and it doesn’t work. Now a test that helps doctors find the right balance is the subject of a potentially groundbreaking case before the U.S. Supreme Court.”
“Operating Instructions: The Supreme Court shows corporate America how to screw over its customers and employees without breaking the law.” Dahlia Lithwick has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.
“Clarence Thomas doesn’t mind being the odd man out; The conservative recently hit his 20-year anniversary as a Supreme Court nominee; His career on the bench has been marked by his willingness to stand alone in dissent”: David G. Savage will have this article Sunday in The Los Angeles Times.
“Judge Jeremy Fogel goes to Federal Judicial Center”: Bob Egelko has this article today in The San Francisco Chronicle.
In today’s edition of The Los Angeles Times, Carol J. Williams reports that “Judge who halted California executions gets post in Washington; U.S. District Judge Jeremy Fogel will head the Federal Judicial Center; It’s unclear whether he will retain the contentious case of death row inmate Michael A. Morales.”
Howard Mintz of The San Jose Mercury News reports that “San Jose federal judge to head nation’s judicial center.”
And Dan Levine of Reuters reports that “California judge to direct national judicial agency.”
My earlier coverage appears at this link.
“Justice Ginsburg not leaving court ‘anytime soon'”: Mark Sherman of The Associated Press has this report.