How Appealing

Saturday, July 23, 2011

“Ex-M’town cop’s suit against bosses is on”: The Times Herald-Record of Middletown, New York contains this article today.

The Associated Press reports that “NY appeals court reinstates 1st Amendment claim by policeman who says he refused to lie.”

And Reuters has a report headlined “Police officer’s brutality complaint is free speech — court.”

You can access yesterday’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit at this link.

Attorney Stephen Bergstein. author of the “Wait A Second!” blog, represented the appellant.

Posted at 10:25 AM by Howard Bashman

“Judge reduces music downloading penalty”: Today’s edition of The Duluth News Tribune contains an article that begins, “A federal judge has reduced the penalty imposed on a Brainerd woman for illegally sharing 24 songs online from $1.5 million to $54,000.”

cnet News reports that “Jammie Thomas judgment lowered from $1.5 million to $54,000.”

And at’s “Threat Level” blog, David Kravets has a post titled “Judge Slashes ‘Appalling’ $1.5 Million File Sharing Verdict to $54,000.”

Posted at 8:30 AM by Howard Bashman