“Troy Davis executed”: Bill Rankin of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has this news update.
The Savannah Morning News has an update headlined “Troy Davis is dead.”
And The Associated Press reports that “Ga. executes Davis; supporters claim injustice.”
“High court refuses to block Troy Davis execution”: The Associated Press has this report.
Via “SCOTUSblog,” you can access tonight’s order of the U.S. Supreme Court denying a stay at this link.
“U.S. court dismisses Iraq contractor torture cases”: James Vicini of Reuters has this report.
And The Associated Press reports that “Appeals court in Va. tosses 2 Abu Ghraib lawsuits.”
You can access here and here today’s rulings of a divided three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. In addition, that same three-judge panel’s ruling in a third somewhat related case can be accessed here.
“Judicial Diva Gone Wild? Chief Judge Jones Tells Judge Dennis to ‘Shut Up.'” David Lat has this post at “Above the Law.”
“‘Flawed’ new rape law roils military justice system”: Michael Doyle and Marisa Taylor of McClatchy Newspapers have this report.
“Appeals court rules for Spain in shipwreck case”: The Associated Press has this report on a ruling that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit issued today.
“Appeals Court OKs Challenge to Warrantless Electronic Spying”: David Kravets has this post at Wired.com’s “Threat Level” blog.
And Reuters reports that “Appeals court denies rehearing of wiretap challenge.”
My earlier coverage of today’s Second Circuit order appears at this link.
“Judge Gertner retired from the judiciary on September 1, 2011, but concurred in the opinion prior to her retirement.” So states the very first footnote of an opinion that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued today.
Former Senior U.S. District Judge Nancy Gertner, sitting by designation, was part of the three-judge panel that heard oral argument in the case on May 9, 2011.
“U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen Breyer on Making Our Democracy Work”: The transcript of Hugh Hewitt’s interview last week with Justice Stephen G. Breyer can be accessed at this link.
“The Court: A Talk with Judge Richard Posner.” Eric J. Segall has this interview (subscription required) in the September 29, 2011 issue of The New York Review of Books.
At the “Ideas Market” blog at WSJ.com, Christopher Shea has a related post titled “The Last Honest Judicial Hearing?”
“Breaking News: Federal District Court, in 151-Page Opinion, Upholds Constitutionality of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.” Rick Hasen has this post at his “Election Law Blog.”
You can access today’s ruling of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia at this link.
By a vote of 6-to-6, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit today denied rehearing en banc of a three-judge panel’s decision that reinstated a suit challenging a law that lets the United States eavesdrop on overseas conversations: You can access today’s order denying rehearing en banc, together with the opinions concurring and dissenting from that result, at this link.
My earlier coverage of the original three-judge panel’s ruling can be accessed here.
“Justice’s wife off state fed lawsuit; She was representing governments in filing against manager law”: The Detroit News today contains an article that begins, “The Michigan Attorney General’s Office has taken the wife of a Michigan Supreme Court justice off a federal lawsuit involving the state’s tough new emergency manager law, a spokesman said Tuesday. The move was in response to a recent court filing in which lawyers challenging the law asked Justice Stephen Markman to recuse himself from a state court challenge to the law, spokesman John Sellek said.”
“Supreme Court writer criticizes activist court”: Today’s edition of The Daily Orange of Syracuse University contains an article that begins, “Lyle Denniston, Syracuse University’s Constitution Day speaker, asked the audience a question that introduced a new perspective of today’s judicial system: Is the Supreme Court too active?”
“A $16 muffin? Justice Dept. audit finds ‘wasteful’ and extravagant spending.” In today’s edition of The Washington Post, Jerry Markon has an article that begins, “Where does a muffin cost more than $16? At a government conference, it turns out.” You can access the report of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General, Audit Division, at this link.