“Supreme Court Justice Scalia speaks at Duquesne U.; Cites importance of moral background in law”: The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has this news update.
And The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review has a news update headlined “Scalia: Duquesne should strive to retain Catholic identity.”
“A rare look at the inner-workings of the Supreme Court of Canada”: Kirk Makin has this very interesting article today in The Toronto Globe and Mail.
The newspaper has also posted online a related transcript headlined “Justice Ian Binnie’s exit interview.”
“Supreme Court clerk William Suter shares wit, wisdom at Texas Tech; Texas Tech law students Friday had the rare opportunity to soak up the wit and wisdom of a U.S. Supreme Court insider during a lunchtime lecture”: The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal contains this article today.
“Pamela Ann Rymer dies at 70; judge on U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals; Pamela Ann Rymer, who filled the seat vacated by Judge Anthony Kennedy after he was named to the U.S. Supreme Court, was highly respected for her sharp legal mind, productivity and dedication”: This obituary appears today in The Los Angeles Times.