How Appealing

Sunday, October 2, 2011

“Hot Topics Before High Court: Health-Care Law Looms Large as Justices Tackle Host of Big Issues in New Term.” Jess Bravin will have this article Monday in The Wall Street Journal. You can freely access the entire article via Google News.

And in Monday’s edition of The Los Angeles Times, David G. Savage will have an article headlined “Supreme Court set to open crucial term; The justices could make decisions on President Obama’s healthcare law, enforcement of immigration laws and affirmative action in higher education.”

Posted at 9:12 PM by Howard Bashman

“Approaching the Bench, in Search of Answers”: Lincoln Caplan and Dorothy Samuels have this op-ed today in The New York Times.

Posted at 8:27 PM by Howard Bashman

“Obama’s healthcare law tops new US high court term; Supreme Court ruling on healthcare law seen as close; Privacy rights and strip searches, police surveillance; Fewer business cases on the docket than last term”: James Vicini of Reuters has this report.

Warren Richey of The Christian Science Monitor has an article headlined “US Supreme Court opens, likely to wade into health care debate; It seems inevitable that the US Supreme Court will agree to hear the legal challenge to President Obama’s health care reform law, the Affordable Care Act; As the court opens Monday, gun laws, immigration, racial preferences, and separation of church and state loom as major issues as well.”

Agence France-Presse reports that “Health care tops US Supreme Court docket.”

And today’s broadcast of NPR’s “Weekend Edition Sunday” contained an audio segment entitled “Health Care Among Hot Topics Awaiting High Court” featuring Nina Totenberg.

Posted at 1:36 PM by Howard Bashman