“Before Supreme Court, Indianapolis to defend charging different amounts for sewers”: The Indianapolis Star has an article that begins, “Whether the good fortune of some Indianapolis homeowners who saved themselves thousands of dollars simply by putting off paying a bill is unconstitutionally unfair will be debated by the nine U.S. Supreme Court justices on Wednesday.”
“Biden praises Rhode Island’s senators, says he offered Whitehouse Supreme Court nomination”: The Providence Journal has this report.
“Forcing Defendant to Decrypt Hard Drive Is Unconstitutional, Appeals Court Rules”: David Kravets has this post at Wired.com’s “Threat Level” blog.
“Supreme Court to hear corporate human rights case”: James Vicini of Reuters has this report.
At “SCOTUSblog,” Lyle Denniston has a post titled “Argument preview: Human rights abuses and the law.”
And in today’s edition of The New York Times, Peter Weiss has an op-ed entitled “Should Corporations Have More Leeway to Kill Than People Do?”