“State Supreme Court opts to close some meetings”: The Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism, via the Wisconsin Law Journal, has a report that begins, “A sharply divided Wisconsin Supreme Court voted Monday to end its longstanding practice of discussing court administrative matters in open conference.”
“Corporate Personhood Case Forces Supreme Court To Hack New Path”: Mike Sacks of The Huffington Post has this report.
To complicate matters further, Judge Jury now serves in an appellate capacity: I just received news that last week the U.S. Bankruptcy Appellate Panel of the Ninth Circuit issued a decision agreeing with the outcome that my friend and colleague Peter Goldberger and I argued in favor of in an amicus brief that we filed in May of 2011 on behalf of the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys.
Among the more interesting things one might learn upon receiving a ruling of the 9th Circuit’s BAP is that one of the judges on that court is Meredith A. Jury (additional details available here). I have noticed various judges over the years with the last name Judge or Justice, but this is the first Judge Jury whom I have noticed. Appropriately, she now serves on an appellate court.
“Montana Defies Supreme Court’s Citizens United Case”: This audio segment appeared on today’s broadcast of NPR’s “Morning Edition.”
“Supreme Court rejects emergency carp measures”: The Associated Press has this report.
And Lawrence Hurley of Greenwire reports that “Justices decline to intervene in Asian carp dispute.”
“BofA $8.5 bln deal returned to NY state court”: Reuters has this early coverage of a ruling that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit issued this afternoon.
“FBI Turns Off Thousands of GPS Devices After Supreme Court Ruling”: Julia Angwin had this post Saturday at WSJ.com’s “Digits” blog.
“Free speech issue bypassed”: Lyle Denniston has this post at “SCOTUSblog.”
“Supreme court prepares for battle over human rights liability of corporations; Most significant case since Citizens United ruling will tackle whether corporations can be sued in civil courts as individuals”: The Guardian (UK) has this report.
“Will Bush v. Gore make an election-year return?” Robert Barnes has this article today in The Washington Post.
Access online today’s Order List of the U.S. Supreme Court: The Court has posted its Order List at this link. The Court did not grant review in any new cases today.
In early news coverage, The Associated Press reports that “Court won’t get involved in carp fight.”
And James Vicini of Reuters reports that “Supreme Court rejects states’ appeal on Great Lakes carp.”
“Supreme Court to weigh torture lawsuits against corporations; Can international companies be sued in the U.S. over ties to foreign regimes that commit human rights abuses?” David G. Savage has this article today in The Los Angeles Times.