“Mitt Romney, the Supreme Court’s Best Friend? The Republican presidential candidate once worried about ‘judicial activism,’ but now ‘judicial review’ is the buzzword for Obama’s opponents.” Molly Ball has this article online at The Atlantic.
And in yesterday’s edition of The Chicago Tribune, law professor Geoffrey R. Stone had an op-ed entitled “When is judicial activism appropriate?”
“Age discrimination case has been stressful for Iowan; His Supreme Court battle resulted in a tighter standard for proving age bias; Now, lawmakers are trying to change it back”: The Des Moines Register contains this article today.
“Pa. appeals court upholds awarding of embryos to wife”: This article appears today in The Philadelphia Inquirer reporting on a ruling that the Superior Court of Pennsylvania issued on Wednesday.
“Wal-Mart ruling that quashed many class actions helps bolster Merrill Lynch broker’s case; Victory in federal appeals court surprises many legal experts”: Ameet Sachdev will have this article Sunday in The Chicago Tribune.