“Chief Justice Roberts’ Key Role in Health Care Ruling”: This video segment featuring law professor Laurence H. Tribe appeared on this evening’s broadcast of PBS NewsHour.
Politico.com has a report headlined “Roberts’ health care switch: Gasoline on the fire.”
At Bloomberg News, law professor Noah Feldman has an essay entitled “John Roberts, a Conservative Liberals Can Love.”
In Tuesday’s edition of The Wall Street Journal, William McGurn will have an op-ed entitled “Chief Justice Roberts Taxes Credibility: Did the umpire change his call because of the crowd?”
And online at The New Republic, Noam Scheiber has a blog post titled “Who’s the Supreme Court Leaker?”
“U.S. Supreme Court’s term not typical”: Bob Egelko had this article Sunday in The San Francisco Chronicle.
“After Roberts’s Ruling, a Scorn-Free Getaway”: Adam Liptak will have this article Tuesday in The New York Times.
In Tuesday’s edition of The Washington Post, Robert Barnes will have an article headlined “Now it’s conservatives who suspect a ‘political’ Supreme Court.”
And online at The Los Angeles Times, Michael McGough has an essay entitled “A Supreme Court mystery worthy of Grisham.”
“Was John Roberts Being Political? At the high court, law and politics come together; It’s the politicization of the court that should make us worried.” Barry Friedman and Dahlia Lithwick have this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.
“Division, Uncertainty over Court’s Health Care Ruling”: The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press issued this news release today. You can access survey results via this link.
“Supreme Court Business Briefing”: The MoloLamken law firm has posted online this report.
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania grants review of $187-million class action judgment against Wal-Mart: You can access today’s order of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania at this link.
The case was brought by hourly workers claiming that they regularly and systematically were not paid for “off-the-clock” work and failed to receive required rest breaks. You can access at this link the lengthy decision of the Superior Court of Pennsylvania affirming the damages judgment in favor of the plaintiff class.
“Appeals court upholds NY child cyberporn case”: Reuters has a report that begins, “A New York man imprisoned for possessing and receiving child pornography cannot argue that he was wrongly convicted because he never stored the images on his computer, a federal appeals court has ruled.”
You can access today’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit at this link.
“John Roberts: Chief Joker of the Supreme Court?” Del Quentin Wilber has this blog post online at The Washington Post.
“Group says Barnes ex-CEO contradicts testimony”: The Associated Press has a report that begins, “A citizens group that unsuccessfully fought to prevent The Barnes Foundation’s move from its longtime suburban home is asking to have the case reopened, because the former CEO wrote that the foundation wasn’t on the verge of bankruptcy when it sought to break the founder’s trust.”
“EPA enforcement case highlights hat trick for big business”: Lawrence Hurley of Greenwire has an article that begins, “Big business was a big winner in environment and natural resources cases before the Supreme Court in the term that ended last week.”
“What Did the Court ‘Hold’ About the Commerce Clause and Medicaid?” John Elwood has this post at “The Volokh Conspiracy.”
“Assessing The Supreme Court’s Recent Term”: This audio segment featuring Adam Liptak of The New York Times appeared on today’s broadcast of NPR’s “Fresh Air.”
“More nuanced view of Roberts after health care law”: Mark Sherman of The Associated Press has this report.
“Conservatives still control high court despite healthcare ruling; Nestled within the justices’ opinions are some disquieting hints that the Supreme Court’s hostility toward government control over corporate power hasn’t changed”: Columnist Michael Hiltzik had this essay yesterday in The Los Angeles Times.
“Anger runs deep over Supreme Court rejection of youth sentencing laws”: Yesterday’s edition of The Denver Post contained this article.
“The Radical Supreme Court”: This editorial appeared yesterday in The New York Times.
“To Your Health: Justice Roberts’s big decision.” Jeffrey Toobin has this essay in the July 9, 2012 issue of The New Yorker.
“Under the U.S. Supreme Court: The high court’s most political ruling.” Michael Kirkland of UPI has this report.