“Stephen Glass, disgraced journalist, seeks California law license; The State Bar of California has rejected Stephen Glass, but the state Supreme Court has agreed to hear his case; His employer at an L.A. County law firm champions him”: Maura Dolan will have this article Wednesday in The Los Angeles Times.
“Savaging Roberts: Conservatives Run Amock.” Law professor Geoffrey R. Stone has this essay online at The Huffington Post.
Online at Slate, Jeff Shesol has a jurisprudence essay entitled “The Mystery and Mystique of John Roberts: And why we should leave as little as possible to the chief justice to decide.”
And online at The Washington Post, Charles Lane has a blog post titled “Slimy leaks about John Roberts at Supreme Court.”
“Questions about chief justice’s health-care ruling could have lasting impact; Speculation persists over why Chief Justice John Roberts joined liberals to uphold the President Obama’s signature health-care reform law, and that could affect the Supreme Court”: Warren Richey of The Christian Science Monitor has this report.
“Who Needs a Ninth Circuit Ruling? U.S. Files for Cert on DOMA.” Scott Graham has this post at The Recorder’s “Legal Pad” blog.
And at “SCOTUSblog,” Lyle Denniston has a post titled “U.S. DOMA challenges filed.”
“Did Roberts Flip On The Health Care Decision?” Nina Totenberg had this audio segment on this evening’s broadcast of NPR’s “All Things Considered.”
“Analysis: Legal eagles redefine healthcare winners, losers.” Drew Singer and Terry Baynes of Reuters have this report.
“Circuit Pulls Judge Real from Yet Another Case”: Pamela A. MacLean has this post at her “Trial Insider” blog about a non-precedential decision that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued last Friday.
“How healthcare ruling will affect SCOTUS consideration of DOMA”: Erin Geiger Smith has this report at Alison Frankel’s “On the Case” from Thomson Reuters News & Insight.
“Besieged Chief Justice Flees To Malta”: BuzzFeed has posted these photos.
“Roberts wrote both Obamacare opinions; A Court source tells Salon the chief justice wrote the majority opinion and much of the dissent in the ACA case”: Law professor Paul Campos has this report at Salon.com.
“The ‘narrative’ of judicial intrigue”: Lyle Denniston has this post at “SCOTUSblog.”
“What does court ruling really mean for uninsured?” The Associated Press has this report.
“Journalists Offer Behind-The-Scenes Look at Supreme Court Decisions”: C-SPAN is providing live online coverage at this link.
“Mississippi abortion law could face long legal fight”: Reuters has this report.
“Liberals fear the John Roberts rebound”: Josh Gerstein of Politico.com has this report.
“Hate Speech and Stolen Valor”: Stanley Fish has this post at the “Opinionator” blog of The New York Times.
“Mississippi’s Lone Abortion Clinic, Given Temporary Reprieve, Fields Rush of Calls”: This article appears today in The New York Times.
And The Associated Press has a report headlined “Miss. abortion clinic owner: ‘business as usual.’”
“Court to hear appeal of Marine in Iraqi killing”: The Associated Press has this report.
“Lenders in the Courthouse”: Inside Higher Ed has a report that begins, “If the U.S. Supreme Court upholds the conviction of a Thai-born graduate student who allegedly made close to $1 million importing cheaply made foreign editions of textbooks and selling them to U.S. students on eBay, then academic libraries might not be allowed to lend certain books and electronic materials, according to library advocates who plan to file an amicus brief on the case today.”
“Circuit Split Watch: Miranda at Booking.” Michelle Olsen has this post at her “Appellate Daily” blog.
“Roberts riles the right inside and outside the Supreme Court; Reports suggest he may have switched his vote to uphold Obama’s healthcare law on a legal point”: David G. Savage has this article today in The Los Angeles Times.
Meanwhile, from NPR, today’s broadcast of “Morning Edition” contained an audio segment entitled “Post Supreme Court: Reviewing The Health Care Law.” And yesterday’s broadcast of “Talk of the Nation” contained an audio segment entitled “The Takeaway From The Health Care Ruling.”