How Appealing

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

“Scores of women win equal pay compensation fight against Birmingham council”: The Independent (UK) has this news update.

The Guardian (UK) has a news update headlined “Birmingham equal pay victory for women may impact City of London; Lawyers say court ruling on equal pay claim for female council workers will have ‘serious ramifications’ for employers elsewhere.”

And BBC News reports that “Birmingham City Council loses equal pay appeal bid.”

You can access today’s ruling of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom at this link. A related court press release can be accessed here.

Posted at 7:58 PM by Howard Bashman

“Judge’s death brings new twist in high-stakes climate case”: Lawrence Hurley of Greenwire has an article that begins, “The outcome of a prominent climate case has become even more shrouded in mystery after one of the three judges considering the matter died this week.”

Posted at 2:50 PM by Howard Bashman

“Justice Kennedy to Deliver Joseph Story Distinguished Lecture”: Robert Alt recently had this post at “The Foundry” blog of The Heritage Foundation.

The lecture is scheduled to take place today, beginning at 5:30 p.m. eastern time, and you can view it live, online via this link.

Update: You can also view Justice Kennedy’s remarks live, online via C-SPAN by clicking here.

Posted at 2:20 PM by Howard Bashman

“Flu Season Health Precautions”: Teddy Wayne recently had this post at the “Opinionator” blog of The New York Times.

Posted at 2:04 PM by Howard Bashman

“Appeals court orders political committees to return Stanford donations”: Loren Steffy has this article today in The Houston Chronicle.

Bloomberg News reports that “Stanford’s Political Donations Must Be Returned, Court Says.”

The Houston Business Journal reports that “National political campaigns must return money to Stanford receiver, court rules.”

And at the “Tex Parte” blog of Texas Lawyer, John Council has a post titled “5th Circuit rules on whether Republican, Democrat groups can keep political contributions from R. Allen Stanford and his companies.”

You can access yesterday’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit at this link.

Posted at 2:00 PM by Howard Bashman

“Does the Supreme Court Have a Free Policy Choice in Wiley v. Kirtsaeng?” Marketa Trimble has this post today at the “Technology & Marketing Law Blog.”

Posted at 1:54 PM by Howard Bashman

“Don Franzen interviews Antonin Scalia — Reading the Text: An Interview with Justice Antonin Scalia of the U.S. Supreme Court.” The Los Angeles Review of Books posted online this interview earlier this month.

Posted at 1:37 PM by Howard Bashman

“Supreme Court makeup not a top campaign issue; The chance that Obama or Romney could tilt the court very far in one direction or the other is remote”: Richard Wolf has this article today in USA Today.

In today’s edition of The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Rev. John C. Welch has an op-ed entitled “Beware Romney’s nominees for the Supreme Court.”

And in The Washington Times, Mario Diaz has an op-ed entitled “Obama could achieve stacked Supreme Court in a second term; Voters should keep courts in mind on Election Day.”

Posted at 9:52 AM by Howard Bashman