“Federal court upholds decision to allow higher ethanol blends”: Reuters has this report on an order denying rehearing en banc, accompanied by a dissent, that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit issued today.
“Lofgren to introduce bill amending computer hacking law in honor of Swartz”: The Hill has this report. You can view the proposed legislation by clicking here.
Reuters reports that “Anti-hacking law questioned after death of Internet activist.”
The Huffington Post reports that “Darrell Issa Probing Prosecution Of Aaron Swartz, Internet Pioneer Who Killed Himself.”
In Wednesday’s edition of The Chicago Tribune, columnist Clarence Page will have an essay titled “Sad farewell to an Internet freedom fighter.”
And at the blog of the Center for Internet and Society, Jennifer Granick has a post titled “Towards Learning from Losing Aaron Swartz: Part 2.”
“Dish Freed From U.S. Rules on Cable Set-Top Boxes”: Bloomberg News has this report.
And Reuters reports that “Court sides with Dish in striking down FCC TV rule.”
You can access today’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit at this link.
“Supreme Court Rules That Houseboats Are Houses, Not Boats”: Nina Totenberg had this audio segment on this evening’s broadcast of NPR’s “All Things Considered.”
“High court reviews property rights in Florida case”: Jonathan Stempel of Reuters has this report.
And at “SCOTUSblog,” Lyle Denniston has a post titled “Argument recap: An ever-shrinking ‘takings’ claim.”
“Did Prosecutors Go Too Far In Swartz Case?” Carrie Johnson had this audio segment on this evening’s broadcast of NPR’s “All Things Considered.”
The Dallas Morning News has a blog post titled “Read the full court file of the government’s prosecution of open government hacktivist Aaron Swartz.” The post provides access to all 603 pages of the federal district court’s file.
The Daily Beast reports today that “Aaron Swartz’s Unbending Prosecutors Insisted on Prison Time; Swartz faced tough U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz and her assistant Stephen Heymann, who rejected any deal that did not involve a prison sentence — which may have helped drive the cyber programmer to despair.”
Today at the “Health Care Renewal” blog, Roy M. Poses MD has a post titled “The Tragic Case of Aaron Swartz: Unequal Justice for Web Activists vs Health Care Corporate Executives.”
And The Freedom of the Press Foundation has a blog post by Michael Morisy titled “How Aaron Swartz Fought For Government Transparency.”
“Argument preview: Making a federal case out of legal malpractice claims.” Ronald Mann has this post today at “SCOTUSblog.”
“Floating Home, Like Pinocchio in the Whale, Is Not a Vessel, Justices Rule”: Adam Liptak will have this article Wednesday in The New York Times.
“Aaron Swartz was ‘killed by government,’ father says at funeral”: The Chicago Sun-Times has this news update.
And The Chicago Tribune has a news update headlined “Aaron Swartz funeral: Internet prodigy mourned in Highland Park.” Earlier, today’s edition of The Chicago Tribune contains an article headlined “Local tech star’s suicide puts Web info fight in spotlight.”
“The Seventh Circuit Needs to Rein in Richard Posner; The conservative jurist made a joke out of a deadly serious case”: Law professor Garrett Epps has this essay online today at The Atlantic.
“Opinion recap: Reasonable observer at dockside.” Lyle Denniston has this post at “SCOTUSblog.”
“Justices weigh Fla. property rights dispute”: Lawrence Hurley of Greenwire has this report.
In today’s mail: I received a review copy of the book “Manifest Injustice: The True Story of a Convicted Murderer and the Lawyers Who Fought for His Freedom,” by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Barry Siegel. The book is scheduled to go on sale January 22, 2013.
“NY appeals court denies bail in cannibalism case”: The Associated Press has a report that begins, “A federal appeals court denied bail Tuesday for a New York City police officer charged with conspiring to rape, kill and eat women after a judge cited evidence that the case wasn’t built on a fantasy.”
“Avast! Supreme Court sinks Florida houseboat ruling.” Michael Doyle of McClatchy Newspapers has this report.
“Prosecutor’s Husband Fights Back Against Everyone Criticizing The Case Against Aaron Swartz”: Abby Rogers has this report online at Business Insider.
“City’s Argument Is All Wet, Supreme Court Says”: Jess Bravin has this post at WSJ.com’s “Law Blog.”
“DOMA: House Republicans Poised To Spend $3 Million On Legal Defense.” Jennifer Bendery of The Huffington Post has a report that begins, “House Republican leaders have signed on to spend up to $3 million to keep defending the Defense of Marriage Act in court, according to a copy of their newly revised legal contract obtained by The Huffington Post.”
“Congress has a Constitution problem — many don’t understand document”: Stephen Dinan of The Washington Times has this report.
“Supreme Court refuses to hear appeal in Erie pizza bomber case”: Ed Palattella has this article today in The Erie Times-News.
“Pittsburgh Post-Gazette pursues details on Joan Orie Melvin filing; Justice seeks name of STD suit woman”: In today’s edition of The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Paula Reed Ward has an article that begins, “The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on Monday filed a motion seeking to unseal documents in federal court filed by suspended state Supreme Court Justice Joan Orie Melvin. Last week, Justice Orie Melvin, who faces criminal trial later this month, filed a motion seeking to reveal the identity of a woman who claimed in a federal lawsuit that she contracted a sexually transmitted disease from a doctor she’d been dating.”
“Web Activist’s Suicide Highlights Tech Law”: Joe Palazzolo and Spencer E. Ante have this article today in The Wall Street Journal.
Today’s edition of The Boston Herald contains an article headlined “Petition to boot U.S. Attorney Ortiz in Aaron Swartz case tops 25,000.”
In The Boston Globe, columnist Kevin Cullen has an op-ed titled “On humanity, a big failure in Aaron Swartz case.”
Online at Slate, Marcia Hofmann has an essay titled “How To Honor Aaron Swartz: In the wake of the brilliant technology activist’s death, let’s fix the draconian Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.”
And Aaron Greenspan has a blog post titled “A Sad Irony: The Federal Judiciary’s PACER Pricing Is Illegal.”
Access online today’s ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court in an argued case: Justice Stephen G. Breyer delivered the opinion of the Court in Lozman v. Riviera Beach, No. 11-626. Justice Sonia Sotomayor issued a dissenting opinion, in which Justice Anthony M. Kennedy joined. You can access the oral argument via this link.
Update: In early news coverage, The Associated Press reports that “Floating home not covered under maritime law.”
Jonathan Stempel of Reuters reports that “Supreme Court says floating home is not a vessel.”
And Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News reports that “Floating-Home Owner Backed by Top Court in Casino Victory.”
“Court To Weigh In On Concealed Weapons In Md.” Today’s broadcast of NPR’s “Morning Edition” had this audio segment focusing on a case pending at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.
And at the “Constitution Daily” blog of the National Constitution Center, Lyle Denniston has a post titled “Setting some limits on gun rights.”
“Supreme Court to hear Florida property-rights case”: Reuters has this report.
At “SCOTUSblog,” Lyle Denniston has a post titled “Argument preview: When is a civic task a ‘taking’?”
And today’s edition of The Tampa Bay Times contains an editorial entitled “Environmental protection at stake in high court case.”
“Speak, Clarence, Speak!” Andrew Cohen has this essay online at The Atlantic.
“Interview: Justice Sonia Sotomayor writes of life’s struggles.” Terry Baynes of Reuters has this report.
Bill Mears of CNN.com reports that “New Sotomayor memoir reveals pain, joys of an ‘extraordinary journey.’”
On today’s broadcast of NPR’s “Morning Edition,” Nina Totenberg had an audio segment titled “Sotomayor Memoir: Don’t Let A Door Stop You.” In addition, online at NPR Books, Jason Farago has a review of the book headlined “Of The People: Sonia Sotomayor’s Amazing Rise.”
And this morning’s broadcast of the NBC News program “Today” contained a segment titled “Sonia Sotomayor opens up about childhood of ‘neglect.’”