How Appealing

Monday, May 20, 2013

“California robbery case leads Supreme Court to reconsider police search laws”: Michael Doyle of McClatchy Newspapers has this report.

Posted at 10:08 PM by Howard Bashman

Lawrence Hurley of Reuters is reporting: He has articles headlined “Supreme Court agrees to hear town meeting prayer case“; “Supreme Court agrees to hear Fidelity whistleblower case“; “Supreme Court agrees to hear Medtronic patent case“; “Justices endorse FCC authority in cellphone tower case“; and “U.S. Supreme Court declines to hear Alaska climate change case.”

In addition, Hurley and Patrick Temple-West have an article headlined “U.S. justices rule for PPL Corp in overseas tax case.”

Posted at 1:32 PM by Howard Bashman

“Justices Take Case on Prayer at Town Board Meetings”: Adam Liptak of The New York Times has this news update.

David G. Savage of The Los Angeles Times has a news update headlined “Supreme Court to hear prayer case.”

Warren Richey of The Christian Science Monitor has an article headlined “Are prayers before public meetings OK? Supreme Court to decide; Officials in Greece, N.Y., set up a system for prayers before town meetings; The US Supreme Court on Monday agreed to examine whether the practice violates the First Amendment’s separation of church and state.”

And at the “School Law” blog of Education Week, Mark Walsh has a post titled “U.S. Supreme Court to Weigh Prayers at Municipal Meetings.”

Posted at 1:05 PM by Howard Bashman

“Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Geoffrey Stone, ‘Roe at 40′”: The University of Chicago Law School has posted online the video of this event, which occurred earlier this month, at this link. You can also access the video directly via YouTube.

Posted at 11:15 AM by Howard Bashman

Access online today’s rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court in argued cases: The Court today issued four decisions in argued cases.

1. Justice Sonia Sotomayor delivered the opinion of the Court in Sebelius v. Cloer, No. 12-236. Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas did not join a portion of the Court’s opinion. You can access the oral argument via this link.

2. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg delivered the opinion for a unanimous Court in Metrish v. Lancaster, No. 12-547. You can access the oral argument via this link.

3. Justice Clarence Thomas delivered the opinion for a unanimous Court in PPL Corp. v. Commissioner, No. 12-43. Justice Sotomayor issued a concurring opinion. You can access the oral argument via this link.

4. And Justice Scalia delivered the opinion of the Court in Arlington v. FCC, No. 11-1545. Justice Stephen G. Breyer issued a concurring opinion. And Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. issued a dissenting opinion, in which Justices Anthony M. Kennedy and Samuel A. Alito, Jr. joined. You can access the oral argument via this link.

In early news coverage, The Associated Press has reports headlined “High court uphold FCC power in cell tower disputes” and “Court: woman can seek lawyer fees in vaccine case.”

Posted at 10:05 AM by Howard Bashman

Access online today’s Order List of the U.S. Supreme Court: The Court has posted today’s Order List at this link. The Court granted review in five new cases.

In early news coverage, The Associated Press has reports headlined “High court to weigh in on legislative prayers“; “Court: Should whistleblower protection be wider?“; and “Court won’t get involved in Miss. redistricting.”

Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News reports that “Council Prayers Get Top Court Review in Church-State Case” and “Sarbanes-Oxley Whistle-Blower Rules Get Court Review.”

Richard Wolf of USA Today reports that “Supreme Court will rule on prayer at government meetings; The small town of Greece, N.Y., could set a new precedent on the issue of religious expression.”

And at “SCOTUSblog,” Lyle Denniston has a post titled “Court to rule on government prayer.”

Posted at 9:34 AM by Howard Bashman

“Retired US Supreme Court justice features in forum”: The Associated Press has this report on an event scheduled to begin at 2:30 p.m. eastern time today at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston.

A live webcast of the event can be accessed via this link once the event is underway.

Posted at 8:14 AM by Howard Bashman