How Appealing

Saturday, June 15, 2013

“Castille: McCaffery should ‘rethink his position’ on Pa. high court.” On Wednesday, Dave Davies of WHYY-FM in Philadelphia had this post at his “Off Mic” blog.

Posted at 1:18 PM by Howard Bashman

“Behind Scolding of the F.D.A., a Complex and Gentle Judge”: In today’s edition of The New York Times, Pam Belluck has a front page article that begins, “The judge whose vehement ruling ordered the Obama administration to surrender and make the morning-after pill available to all ages without a prescription is strikingly soft-spoken, so much so that to hear him in chambers, a visitor must sometimes lean forward from the raspberry-and-chartreuse striped sofa that is a legacy from his parents’ 1940s Brooklyn living room.”

Posted at 9:23 AM by Howard Bashman

“Prenda Law is ‘winding down,’ and desperate to avoid a costly appeal; A $237,000 up-front bill for appeal is off-base, argue porn-trolling lawyers”: Joe Mullin of Ars Technica has this report.

Posted at 9:22 AM by Howard Bashman