“Castille: McCaffery should ‘rethink his position’ on Pa. high court.” On Wednesday, Dave Davies of WHYY-FM in Philadelphia had this post at his “Off Mic” blog.
Posted at 1:18 PM by Howard Bashman
Saturday, June 15, 2013
“Castille: McCaffery should ‘rethink his position’ on Pa. high court.” On Wednesday, Dave Davies of WHYY-FM in Philadelphia had this post at his “Off Mic” blog. Posted at 1:18 PM by Howard BashmanSenior First Circuit Judge Bruce M. Selya, in the news: Reuters reports that “Web companies begin releasing surveillance information after U.S. deal.” The article, in its current form, refers to “U.S. District Judge Bruce Selya, who headed the FISA court’s Court of Review.” And in related commentary, today at The New Yorker’s “Close Read” blog, Amy Davidson has a post titled “Yahoo and the Secret Court.” Posted at 1:16 PM by Howard Bashman“Behind Scolding of the F.D.A., a Complex and Gentle Judge”: In today’s edition of The New York Times, Pam Belluck has a front page article that begins, “The judge whose vehement ruling ordered the Obama administration to surrender and make the morning-after pill available to all ages without a prescription is strikingly soft-spoken, so much so that to hear him in chambers, a visitor must sometimes lean forward from the raspberry-and-chartreuse striped sofa that is a legacy from his parents’ 1940s Brooklyn living room.” Posted at 9:23 AM by Howard Bashman“Prenda Law is ‘winding down,’ and desperate to avoid a costly appeal; A $237,000 up-front bill for appeal is off-base, argue porn-trolling lawyers”: Joe Mullin of Ars Technica has this report. Posted at 9:22 AM by Howard Bashman |