How Appealing

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

“Justice Ginsburg Celebrates ABA’s New D.C. Office”: Zoe Tillman has this post at “The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times.”

Posted at 10:34 PM by Howard Bashman

In coverage of today’s major U.S. Supreme Court rulings from The Onion: You can access articles headlined “Scalia, Thomas, Roberts, Alito Suddenly Realize They Will Be Villains In Oscar-Winning Movie One Day“; “Supreme Court Leaves Final Decision On Gay Marriage In Capable Hands Of Texas, Alabama, Georgia“; “Bigot Relieved To Learn Gays In His State Still Effectively Subhuman“: “Gay Marriage Opponents Warn Supreme Court Ruling Could Put Nation On Slippery Slope To Rationality“; and “Nation Celebrates What Is, Technically Speaking, Progress.”

Posted at 9:22 PM by Howard Bashman

“Court to wait before making gay marriage move”: The Associated Press has a report that begins, “A federal appeals court said Wednesday it will wait at least 25 days before making a decision on whether gay marriages can resume in California.”

Posted at 5:47 PM by Howard Bashman

“Appeals court hears arguments on N.J. sports betting case”: The Record of Hackensack, New Jersey has a news update that begins, “A three-judge panel of the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals grilled attorneys on both sides of the New Jersey sports betting case for an hour in Philadelphia on Wednesday, then told the lawyers the case ‘would be taken under advisement’ with no timetable given for a decision.”

And The Associated Press reports that “NJ asks appeals court to make sports betting legal.”

You can access via this link (32.6 MB Windows Media audio file) the audio of today’s oral argument at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit featuring Ted Olson and Paul Clement as counsel for the opposing parties.

Posted at 5:28 PM by Howard Bashman

“Takings decision confounds experts, spurs accusations of judicial activism”: Jeremy P. Jacobs of Greenwire has this report.

Posted at 5:16 PM by Howard Bashman

“Supreme Court Bolsters Gay Marriage With Two Major Rulings”: Adam Liptak of The New York Times has this news update.

Robert Barnes of The Washington Post has news updates headlined “Supreme Court strikes down key part of Defense of Marriage Act” and “Supreme Court clears way for same-sex marriage in California.”

David G. Savage of The Los Angeles Times has news updates headlined “Gay marriage ruling: Supreme Court finds DOMA unconstitutional” and “Supreme Court hands major victories to gay marriage movement.” In addition, Maura Dolan has a news update headlined “Prop. 8: John Roberts’ lesbian cousin ‘absolutely’ proud of ruling.”

Richard Wolf and Brad Heath of USA Today report that “Supreme Court gives big boost to same-sex marriage; California’s ban is toppled on technical grounds, and part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act is struck down.”

Brent Kendall and Jess Bravin of The Wall Street Journal have a news update headlined “Supreme Court Rulings Boost Gay Marriage; DOMA Violates ‘Equal Protection Principles’; Justices Avoid Ruling on California’s Proposition 8.”

Warren Richey of The Christian Science Monitor has an article headlined “Gay marriage: Supreme Court strikes down DOMA, dismisses Prop. 8 appeal; US Supreme Court said Wednesday, 5 to 4, that DOMA (federal Defense of Marriage Act) had been enacted with an apparent attempt to harm gay couples; Its actions set stage for legal battles state by state over gay marriage.”

Howard Mintz of The San Jose Mercury News has an update headlined “Prop. 8: Supreme Court ends California ban on gay marriage but fight remains.”

Bob Egelko of The San Francisco Chronicle has a news update headlined “High court: Prop. 8 backers lack standing.”

The Washington Times has a news update headlined “Supreme Court hands double win to gay marriage backers.”

Mark Sherman of The Associated Press reports that “Supreme Court strikes federal marriage provision.”

Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News reports that “High Court Allows California Gay Marriage, Voids U.S. Law.”

Lawrence Hurley of Reuters reports that “Gay marriage gets big boost in two Supreme Court rulings.”

At “The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times,” Marcia Coyle has posts titled “Supreme Court Declares DOMA Unconstitutional” and “Supreme Court Clears Same-Sex Marriages in California.”

Josh Gerstein of reports that “Supreme Court strikes down DOMA, declines to rule on Prop. 8.”

At TPM DC, Sahil Kapur has reports headlined “Supreme Court Strikes Down Defense Of Marriage Act”; “SCOTUS Prop 8 Ruling Legalizes Gay Marriage In California“: and “Scalia Rages Against Supreme Court’s Gay Rights Ruling.”

And at “SCOTUSblog,” Lyle Denniston has a post titled “Opinions recap: Giant step for gay marriage.”

Posted at 4:33 PM by Howard Bashman

Programming note: At 10 a.m. eastern time today, the U.S. Supreme Court will issue rulings in the remaining cases that were argued earlier this Term but have not yet been decided. At that same time, I will be on my way to present an oral argument today in the Superior Court of Pennsylvania.

Just as soon as the U.S. Supreme Court posts its opinions online this morning, you can access them via this link. Additional posts will appear here this afternoon.

Posted at 7:00 AM by Howard Bashman

“Iowa Supreme Court to Reconsider Case of ‘Irresistible Employee'”: Ryan Koopmans has this post at “On Brief: Iowa’s Appellate Blog.”

Posted at 6:55 AM by Howard Bashman