“With Obama nominees to key appeals court at stake, filibuster struggle may resume”: Tom Curry, national affairs writer for NBC News, has this report.
Jennifer Bendery of The Huffington Post has a report headlined “Republicans Wrongly Accuse Obama Of Court-Packing — Again.”
At her “Trial Insider” blog, Pamela A. MacLean has a post titled “Obama Nominee to DC Circuit Grilled.”
At “Jezebel,” Erin Gloria Ryan has a post titled “Scary Feminist Nominated for Federal Judgeship; Conservatives Flip Out.”
And Thursday’s edition of The Wall Street Journal will contain an editorial titled “The D.C. Circuit’s Judicial Math: The appellate court has more than enough judges for its work load.” You can freely access the full text of the editorial via Google News.
“Justices on the Job”: Linda Greenhouse has this post at the “Opinionator” blog of The New York Times.
“How Gay Marriage Became Legitimate: A revisionist history of a social revolution.” In the August 5, 2013 issue of The New Republic, Seventh Circuit Judge Richard A. Posner has this review of two new books — law professor Michael J. Klarman‘s “From the Closet to the Altar: Courts, Backlash, and the Struggle for Same-Sex Marriage” and Jason Pierceson‘s “Same-Sex Marriage in the United States: The Road to the Supreme Court.”
“Supreme Court’s Favorability Edges Below 50%; Blacks’ Views of Court Turn More Negative”: Pew Research Center for People & the Press issued this news release today. You can access the complete survey results at this link.
“Obama judicial nominee questioned on abortion, religion; Republicans accuse president of trying to ‘pack’ federal appeals court, considered the nation’s second most powerful, but three seats are vacant”: Richard Wolf of USA Today has this report.
“GOP signals it will oppose nominees to key court”: The Associated Press has a report that begins, “Just a week after the Senate hashed out a compromise for approving seven of President Barack Obama’s nominees to run government departments, agencies and boards, Republicans on Wednesday signaled their opposition to Obama’s plan for filling vacancies on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.”
And at “The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times,” Todd Ruger has a post titled “D.C. Circuit Nominee Under Fire on Capitol Hill.”
“Even Crazy Bloggers Deserve Safety From Subpoenas”: Online today at Bloomberg View, law professor Noah Feldman has an essay that begins, “The government has ways to make you talk, as writer James Risen was reminded when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ordered him last week to testify against the Central Intelligence Agency source who told him about covert operations regarding Iran’s nuclear facilities.”
“Fox appeal for preliminary injunction against AutoHop denied”: The Los Angeles Times has this news update.
Reuters reports that “Fox loses appeal over Dish ‘Hopper’ feature; Fox brought copyright, breach of contract claims; Fox sought to stop sales of commercial-skipping device.”
At the “Hollywood, Esq.” blog of The Hollywood Reporter, Eriq Gardner has a post titled “Fox Loses Appeal Asking for Injunction Against Dish’s ‘Hopper’ Ad-Skipper; An appeals court refuses to overturn a judge’s decision over a technology that broadcasters argue will irreparably harm the television industry.”
At The Verge, Greg Sandoval reports that “Judge denies Fox’s request to shut down Dish Network’s ad-skipping DVR.”
And Variety reports that “Appeals Court Refuses Fox Effort to Stop Dish’s Ad-Skipping Feature.”
You can access today’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit at this link.
“Appeal court upholds sea lions decision”: The Associated Press has this report.
And at her “Trial Insider” blog, Pamela A. MacLean has a post titled “Alaska Commercial Fishing Limited to Protect Sea Lions.”
You can access yesterday’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit at this link.
“California prison overcrowding issue goes back to Justice Kennedy; Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for the Supreme Court in 2011 to uphold an order against California’s overcrowded prisons; Now Gov. Jerry Brown wants him to block a release of more than 9,000 inmates”: David G. Savage has this article today in The Los Angeles Times.
At 10 a.m. eastern time, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a confirmation hearing for Cornelia T.L. Pillard to serve as a D.C. Circuit Judge: Once underway, you can view the hearing live via this link.
“The Secret FISA Court Must Go: We are assured the secret FISA court is keeping a close eye on government surveillance, but the truth of what it has done and justified is terrifying.” Law professor Christopher Sprigman and Jennifer Granick, director of Civil Liberties at the Stanford Center for Internet and Society, have this essay online today at The Daily Beast.
“No misdemeanor case about a soiled toilet and a seven-day jail sentence is worth 57 pages of attention from a United States Court of Appeals.” Yesterday at his blog “Hercules and the Umpire,” Senior U.S. District Judge Richard G. Kopf had a post titled “On matters of perspective and toilets.”
My earlier coverage of last Friday’s First Circuit ruling appears at this link.
“An Afternoon With Alito”: Rich Lizardo had this post yesterday at “The Spectacle Blog” of The American Spectator.