“Portland longshoreman who fell drunkenly at worksite denied workers’ comp”: The Oregonian has this news update.
And The Associated Press has a report headlined “Court: No workers’ comp in drunk dockworker case.”
You can access last Friday’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit at this link.
“Ruth Bader Ginsburg: the supreme court’s leading lady shouldn’t leave yet; As Ginsburg celebrates 20 years on the court, some want her to step down; They underestimate her skills and strength.” Jason Farago has this essay online at The Guardian (UK).
“NYT journalist fights ruling nixing reporter’s privilege”: Josh Gerstein of Politico.com has this blog post.
You can access at this link the petition for rehearing en banc filed today in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. In addition, a large number of media companies filed this amicus brief in support of the petition.
“9th Circuit Judge Nominee Ends Nine-Year Wait”: Pamela A. MacLean has this post at her “Trial Insider” blog.
“P&G Pampers Class-Action Settlement Undone by Appeals Court”: Bloomberg News has this report on a ruling that a divided three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit issued today.
“Jerry Brown loses bid to delay prison crowding releases”: The Los Angeles Times has this news update.
The Associated Press reports that “High court refuses to delay Calif. prison releases.”
And at “SCOTUSblog,” Lyle Denniston has a post titled “No delay of prisoner release.”
You can access today’s order of the U.S. Supreme Court, and Justice Antonin Scalia’s dissent therefrom, at this link.
“Court Rulings Blur the Line Between a Spy and a Leaker”: Adam Liptak will have this article in Saturday’s edition of The New York Times.
“Theory on Pain Is Driving Rules for Abortions”: Erik Eckholm has this front page article today in The New York Times.
“Texas prison system running out of execution drug”: The Associated Press has this report.
“GOP Telegraphs Mass Filibuster Of Obama’s Top Judges”: Sahil Kapur of TPM DC has this report today.
“Two lawyers from same California firm nominated for 9th Circuit”: Maura Dolan of The Los Angeles Times has this report.
Scott Graham of The Recorder reports that “Obama Taps Two Munger Partners for 9th Circuit Seats.”
And the Public Information Office of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has issued a news release titled “White House Announces Two Nominees for Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.”
“Since end-of-term rulings, a significant decrease in Supreme Court favorability among blacks”: This post appears today at the “Fact Tank” blog of the Pew Research Center.
“Supreme Court Ethics Act Proposed In Response To Controversial Behavior By Justices Scalia, Thomas”: Nick Wing of The Huffington Post has this report.
“Hiring Supreme Court Clerks: The $500,000 Gamble; Snagging one of the coveted 39 lawyers doesn’t come cheap, and it won’t always pay off, either.” Marisa M. Kashino has this post at the “Capital Comment” blog of Washingtonian magazine.
“N.J. handgun law heads to state’s top court”: The Star-Ledger of Newark, New Jersey has an article that begins, “For the first time in nearly half a century, the state Supreme Court will hear a landmark case that could redefine gun rights in New Jersey.”
“Obamacare’s Legal Hurdles Seen Leading to New High Court Review”: Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News has this report.
“All Corporations Go to Heaven: The Supreme Court will soon decide if CEOs can impose their religious convictions on the people who work for them.” Dahlia Lithwick has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.