How Appealing

Monday, August 5, 2013

“Religious Objections To Health Law Multiply; Controversies involving private firms being required to offer contraceptive coverage are likely headed to U.S. Supreme Court”: Marcia Coyle of The National Law Journal has this report.

Posted at 9:51 PM by Howard Bashman

“Why Your Cell Phone’s Location Isn’t Protected by the Fourth Amendment”: Orin Kerr has this blog post online today at The New Yorker.

Posted at 9:47 PM by Howard Bashman

“Chris Christie’s Legal Position on Gay Marriage Is Pure Nonsense: The New Jersey governor’s court brief reads like a bad student paper.” Nathaniel Frank has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.

Posted at 9:40 PM by Howard Bashman

“Ohio nonprofit gets new trial over ‘bachelor pad'”: The Associated Press has a report that begins, “Fair housing advocates on Monday won a new trial in a federal lawsuit against an Ohio company that advertised an apartment as ‘a great bachelor pad’ for men looking to ‘hook up.'”

You can access today’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit at this link.

Posted at 9:22 PM by Howard Bashman

“Taken: Under civil forfeiture, Americans who haven’t been charged with wrongdoing can be stripped of their cash, cars, and even homes; Is that all we’re losing.” Sarah Stillman has this article in the August 12, 2013 issue of The New Yorker.

Posted at 7:35 PM by Howard Bashman

“Congress Pushes Supreme Court on Ethics Rules”: Todd Ruger has this post today at “The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times.”

Posted at 6:17 PM by Howard Bashman

“The Irony of Justice Scalia’s California Prison Rant; His dissenting opinion on Brown v. Plata has nothing to do with the subject at hand: prisoners and the Eighth Amendment.” Andrew Cohen has this essay online at The Atlantic.

Posted at 6:15 PM by Howard Bashman

“Easton Area School District: Struck down ‘I Heart Boobies’ bracelet ban leaves schools ‘defenseless.'” The Express-Times of Easton, Pennsylvania has this news update.

The Morning Call of Allentown, Pennsylvania has a news update headlined “Federal court strikes down ‘I (heart) boobies’ ban.”

The Associated Press has a report headlined “US court: Pa. school can’t ban ‘boobies’ bracelets.”

And at the “School Law” blog of Education Week, Mark Walsh has a post titled “Full Appeals Court Upholds ‘Boobies’ Bracelets in Schools.”

You can access today’s ruling of the en banc U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit at this link.

Posted at 6:10 PM by Howard Bashman

Programming note: A meeting later this morning with co-counsel in a case in which the appellate briefs are due approximately two weeks from now will have me away from the computer for a bit. Additional posts will appear here this afternoon.

Posted at 9:24 AM by Howard Bashman

“Judges Extend High Court Same-Sex Ruling; Weeks After Key Part of Federal Marriage Act Is Struck Down, Preliminary Findings Show Decision Could Reshape Laws”: Ashby Jones has this article today in The Wall Street Journal.

Posted at 7:46 AM by Howard Bashman

“Confessions of an Application Reader: Lifting the Veil on the Holistic Process at the University of California, Berkeley.” In the Education Life section of yesterday’s edition of The New York Times, Ruth A. Starkman had this essay.

Posted at 7:40 AM by Howard Bashman

“Supreme Court may need to decide how private a cellphone is”: In today’s edition of The Washington Post, Robert Barnes has this new installment of his “The High Court” column.

Posted at 7:35 AM by Howard Bashman