“Apple, Samsung Win Ruling to Keep Financial Data Secret”: Bloomberg News has this report.
And at his “Patentlyo” blog, Dennis Crouch has a post titled “Federal Circuit: Secret Patent Trials are OK.”
You can access today’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit at this link.
“Islamic charity founder Pete Seda ‘vindicated’ by ruling saying feds tried to turn tax fraud into terrorism”: The Oregonian has this news update.
And The Register-Guard of Eugene, Oregon reports that “New trial ordered in tax case tied to terrorism.”
You can access today’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit at this link.
“Montana Gun Law Is a Barren Golden Goose”: Courthouse News Service has an article that begins, “High hopes to market a rifle called the Montana Buckaroo, which would be free from federal firearms licensing requirements, deflated in the 9th Circuit on Friday.”
You can access today’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit at this link.
“Court Rules Against Argentina in Bond Case; Stage Set for Supreme Court Showdown as Potential Default Looms”: Shane Romig and Chad Bray of The Wall Street Journal have this report. You can freely access the full text of the article via Google News.
The New York Times reports that “Hedge Funds Win Ruling in Argentina Bond Case.”
The Los Angeles Times reports that “U.S. court rules against Argentina on debt default; U.S. appeals court rules that Argentina must pay full principal and interest to one group of bond investors if it wants to continue discounted payments to others.”
Bloomberg News reports that “Argentina Loss Brings End of Defaulted Bond Fight Closer.”
Nate Raymond and Jonathan Stempel of Reuters report that “Argentina loses appeal in $1.33 billion U.S. bondholder fight.”
And The Associated Press reports that “Argentina loses appeal in US bond debt case.”
You can access today’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit at this link.
“Appeals Court Upholds Convictions of Men in Bronx Synagogue Plot”: This article will appear Saturday in The New York Times.
The New York Post reports that “Convictions stand for four men convicted over plot to bomb New York synagogues after they lose appeals.”
Bloomberg News reports that “Synagogue Bomb Plot Entrapment Claim Rejected by Court”
And The Associated Press reports that “Appeals court upholds NY terror plot convictions.”
You can access Thursday’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit at this link.
“The NRA takes on the courts”: Lyle Denniston had this post yesterday at the “Constitution Daily” blog of the National Constitution Center.
“Hate Preach: An American brags that he’s the father of the Ugandan anti-gay movement; Can he be prosecuted in the U.S.?” Dahlia Lithwick has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.
“Event discussing Supreme Court coverage to be held Sept. 9 at UGA”: The University of Georgia issued this news release yesterday. “SCOTUSblog” appears to be the main focus of the event.
“Supreme Court deadline approaches: Parties submit U-M race policy briefs.” The Detroit News contains this article today.
Greetings from Durham, North Carolina: Where last night I enjoyed the most delicious shrimp and grits at blu seafood and bar.