“Appeals court overturns decision to shutter website critical of Lafayette police”: The Associated Press has this report.
And at Ars Technica, Cyrus Farivar has a report headlined “Court: website alleging police corruption shouldn’t have been shut down; Local cops posted text, audio showing claimed corruption — then their bosses sued.”
You can access yesterday’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit at this link.
“Justices to Weigh Key Limit on Political Donors”: Adam Liptak will have this front page article Wednesday in The New York Times.
“Supreme Court to hear case on anonymous tips”: Bob Egelko will have this article in Wednesday’s edition of The San Francisco Chronicle.
“Supreme Court Adds Patent Troll Case to its Docket”: Tony Mauro has this post today at “The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times.”
“Justices to Hear ‘Raging Bull’ Copyright Appeal”: Adam Liptak will have this article Wednesday in The New York Times.
In Wednesday’s edition of The Los Angeles Times, David G. Savage will have an article headlined “Supreme Court takes on ‘Raging Bull’ copyright case; Justices will decide eight cases, including a dispute over the film ‘Raging Bull’ and a challenge for the right to own a gun after being convicted of domestic violence without physical force.”
And at the “Hollywood, Esq.” blog of The Hollywood Reporter, Eriq Gardner has a post titled “Supreme Court Will Hear ‘Raging Bull’ Dispute; An author’s heir will get another chance to show that she didn’t wait too long in suing MGM and Fox over the famous film.”
“Supreme Court to hear challenge to Forest Service’s ‘rails to trails’ program”: Jeremy P. Jacobs of Greenwire has this report.
In the October 2013 issue of California Lawyer magazine: Pamela A. MacLean has a cover story headlined “Unfit to Practice? The state Supreme Court must decide whether a lawyer’s possession of child pornography requires summary disbarment.”
In addition, MacLean also has an article headlined “Top of the Ninth: Still Playing Left Field.”
Law professor Erwin Chemerinsky has an article headlined “The Supremes: Where Do We Go from Here?”
An interview with James Bopp, Jr. is headlined “Killing Campaign Finance Reform.” The video of the nearly hour-long interview can be viewed on YouTube at this link.
Rocky Tsai and Rebecca Harlow have an article headlined “Cy Pres: The Next Best Thing — or Not.”
And Michael Parente has this review of the book “Murder at the Supreme Court: Lethal Crimes and Landmark Cases,” by Martin Clancy and Tim O’Brien.
“Justice Antonin Scalia Speaks at Bork Memorial Lecture”: Georgetown Law issued this news release today.
Diane P. Wood today became the Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit: My post previewing this change, published on the night of August 12, 2013, can be accessed here.
According to a knowledgeable reader, Circuit Judge Frank H. Easterbrook decided to end his tenure as Chief Judge just before serving his full seven-year term, to allow this change to take effect today.
Federal Circuit issues decision addressing whether, under the Lanham Act, a local government entity may obtain a federal trademark registration for the entity’s official insignia: Both the City of Houston and the District of Columbia find themselves on the losing end of a ruling that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit issued today.
Previously, “The TTABlog” provided coverage of this matter in posts titled “TTAB Rules that Section 2(b) Bars Registration of a Government Entity’s Own Official Insignia” and “CAFC Hears Oral Arguments in Houston and District of Columbia Section 2(b) Appeals.”
You can access the rulings of the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, which the Federal Circuit affirmed today, here and here.
“What the Scopes Trial Teaches Us About Climate-Change Denial: The Tennessee courtroom battle showed what can happen when big business joins forces with religious faith.” Andrew Cohen has this essay online at The Atlantic.
“Court grants eight cases”: Lyle Denniston has this post at “SCOTUSblog.”
“Ninth Circuit’s First All-Alaskan Appellate Panel to Sit in Pasadena”: The Public Information Office of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit today issued a news release that begins, “The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit will make judicial history this month when it convenes its first all-Alaskan appellate panel.” The news release goes on to state, “Appellate panels are randomly assigned[,] and the all-Alaskan panel resulted from the luck
of the draw.”
“High Court Fails To Act On Major Business Case Cert Petitions”: Glenn G. Lammi of the Washington Legal Foundation has this post at Forbes.com.
“Despite reprieve, California fights prison crowding order”: Reuters has this report.
Lawrence Hurley of Reuters is reporting: He has articles headlined “U.S. Supreme Court takes no action on Argentina bonds case“; “U.S. Supreme Court agrees to hear ‘Raging Bull’ copyright case“; and “U.S. Supreme Court takes no action on climate change cases.”
The Associated Press is reporting: In coverage of this morning’s U.S. Supreme Court Order List, The AP has reports headlined “Court: Is anonymous tip enough for traffic stop?“; “Justices to hear gun ban case“; and “Justices to hear appeal over movie ‘Raging Bull.’”
Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News is reporting: He has articles headlined “Gun Ban for Domestic Abusers Draws U.S. High Court Review“; “Patent-Suit Abuse Targeted as Supreme Court Accepts Case“; “Taxes on Severance Payments Draw U.S. High Court Review“; and “U.S. Supreme Court Defers Action on Argentina Bond Appeal.”
Access online today’s Order List of the U.S. Supreme Court: You can access today’s Order List at this link. The Court granted review in eight cases. The Order List also contained one denial of review, in a death penalty case from Florida in which the execution is scheduled to occur this evening.
“The DOJ’s Insane Argument Against Weev: He’s A Felon Because He Broke The Rules We Made Up.” Mike Masnick had this post yesterday at the “Techdirt” blog about a federal criminal appeal pending before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.
“High-Profile Issues Fill Docket For New Supreme Court Term”: This audio segment featuring Emily Bazelon appeared on yesterday’s broadcast of WBUR Radio’s “Here & Now.”
“Harper’s nomination continues Supreme Court’s shift to the right”: Sean Fine has this article today in The Toronto Globe and Mail.
And The Canadian Press reports that “Harper nominates Federal Court appeal judge Marc Nadon for Supreme Court.”
“Federal courthouse named for Jackson at official ceremony; As the former U.S. Supreme Court justice’s legal contributions are hailed, his granddaughter offers a glimpse into his private life”: The Buffalo News has an article that begins, “For judges, lawyers and legal scholars, Robert H. Jackson’s legacy is the stuff of legend.”
“Heroes and Soldiers of the Supreme Court”: Law professor Cass R. Sunstein has this essay online at Bloomberg View.
“Court Reviews Gitmo Ruling; U.S. Argues for Right to Try Defendants for Conspiracy Under ‘American Common Law of War'”: Jess Bravin has this article today in The Wall Street Journal.
And at the “Lawfare” blog, Wells Bennett and Raffaela Wakeman have a post titled “Al-Bahlul v. United States: Oral Argument Recap.”
“The Confident Court”: Law professor Jennifer Mason McAward has posted this essay online at SSRN (via “Legal Theory Blog“).