“NJ Supreme Court to hear gay marriage case”: The Associated Press has this report.
And The Newark (N.J.) Star-Ledger has a news update headlined “N.J. Supreme Court agrees to hear Christie’s gay marriage appeal.”
“TV Broadcasters Ask Supreme Court to Review Aereo Dispute; The high court is asked to weigh in an ongoing dispute over whether Aereo is publicly performing copyrighted works”: At the “Hollywood, Esq.” blog of The Hollywood Reporter, Eriq Gardner has this post. You can view the petition for writ of certiorari at this link.
Access online this afternoon’s broadcast of HuffPost Live’s “Legalese It!” with Mike Sacks: You can view the video by clicking here. Today’s guests were Seventh Circuit Judge Richard A. Posner (promoting his new book) and New York magazine editor Jennifer Senior (promoting her recent interview with Justice Antonin Scalia).
“Five myths about the Roberts court”: Law professor Mark Tushnet has this essay online at The Washington Post.
“Lavabit’s appeal: We’re actually not required to wiretap our own users; The government wanted Snowden; But what about Lavabit’s other 400,000 customers?” Joe Mullin of Ars Technica has this report.
“Nixon postpones execution over questions about lethal injection drug”: The St. Louis Post-Dispatch has this news update.
And The Associated Press reports that “Missouri gov. halts 1st US execution by propofol.”
“Senator Warns About Shutdown’s Harm To Judiciary”: Todd Ruger has this post today at “The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times.”
“Only One Person Can Make Ruth Bader Ginsburg Retire”: Marc Tracy has this essay online at The New Republic.
“Chevron Launches RICO Trial Over $18 Billion Ecuador Verdict Tuesday”: Daniel Fisher has this post online at Forbes.
“Alabama Supreme Court rejects Stevenson man’s request to keep wife’s grave in front yard”: The Huntsville Times has this news update.
“Clarence Thomas Does Not Share the Founding Fathers’ View of Corruption”: Law professor Jeffrey Rosen has this essay online at The New Republic.
“Mayer Brown Files Cert Petitions In Front-Loading Washer Cases”: This post appeared Monday at that law firm’s “Class Defense” blog (via “The Volokh Conspiracy“).
Access online the audio of this week’s U.S. Supreme Court oral arguments: It’s available online via this link.
“SJC justices to weigh in on cellphone tracking data; Authorities want access to suspects’ records without a search warrant”: This article appears today in The Boston Globe.
You can access the briefs filed in the appeal via this link. And you can view the video of yesterday’s oral argument by clicking here.
“Demands on Lavabit violated Fourth Amendment, lawyers say; Edward Snowden’s email provider argues government order to hand over encryption keys jeopardised clients’ personal details”: The Guardian (UK) has this report.
And at “The Volokh Conspiracy,” Orin Kerr has a post titled “Lavabit Challenges Contempt Order in the Fourth Circuit: An Analysis of Its Arguments.”
“Harvard’s Randall Kennedy on affirmative action”: This lengthy audio segment appeared on yesterday’s broadcast of WHYY Radio’s “Radio Times with Marty Moss-Coane.”
“Broadcasters could bring Aereo fight to Supreme Court: sources.” Erin Geiger Smith and Ronald Grover of Reuters have this report.
“Christie seeks appeal after judge denies request to delay gay marriages in N.J.” The Newark (N.J.) Star-Ledger has this report.
And today’s edition of The New York Times reports that “Judge Says New Jersey Can Begin Allowing Same-Sex Marriages in Two Weeks.”
“German firm blocked shipments to U.S. distributor after drug sent for executions”: Reuters has a report that begins, “A German manufacturer confirmed on Thursday that it took the extraordinary step of suspending shipments of a widely used drug to a U.S. distributor this year after 20 vials were mistakenly sent to the state of Missouri to be used in executions.”
“Argument preview: The reach of U.S. courts.” Lyle Denniston has this post at “SCOTUSblog.”