How Appealing

Saturday, November 9, 2013

“The Nominee: A Political and Spiritual Journey.” Fifth Circuit Judge Leslie H. Southwick has published this memoir, which the book’s publisher describes as “A firsthand account of the murky, faithstraining processes by which federal judges are confirmed.”

Although a review copy of the book has yet to arrive at “How Appealing” headquarters, some of the book’s contents can be accessed online via Google Books.

Posted at 3:05 PM by Howard Bashman

“Legal blog seeks recognition from high court”: Mark Sherman of The Associated Press has this report.

According to the article, “Next year, Goldstein said he intends to sell SCOTUSblog. To that end, he wants a formal press credential for Denniston, whose pass is courtesy of a Boston public radio station for which he works only rarely, and maybe even Howe. The formal recognition he seeks is part of a series of moves aimed at making SCOTUSblog more attractive to prospective buyers.”

Update: From the department of “now you see it, now you don’t,” the passage from the article quoted immediately above has been cut from the article’s current version. However, the original version of the article can still be accessed at various places online, including here.

Posted at 10:00 AM by Howard Bashman

Challenge to my client’s $8 million appellate victory in pooled health trust matter reached a favorable conclusion yesterday when the Pa. Supreme Court denied the opposing parties’ request for further review: Yesterday’s orders of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania denying the petition for allowance of appeal can be accessed here and here. I have posted my client’s brief in opposition to the petition for allowance of appeal at this link.

The Pa. Commonwealth Court‘s earlier unanimous en banc ruling in favor of my client can be accessed here. My post collecting news coverage of the ruling, published on the day after it originally issued, appears at this link. And I previously linked here both to my client’s appellate briefs and the trial court’s adverse ruling.

Posted at 9:50 AM by Howard Bashman

“Label Updates May Be Allowed for Generics”: Today’s edition of The New York Times contains an article that begins, “The Food and Drug Administration proposed a rule on Friday that would permit generic drug makers to update their labels if they received information about potential safety problems. The move puts the companies on equal footing with brand-name manufacturers, but it also opens the door to lawsuits against them for the first time since the Supreme Court barred such cases two years ago.”

You can view the text of the proposed rule at this link.

Posted at 9:12 AM by Howard Bashman

“Veterans feel a debt toward an old warhorse of a judge; Judge Harry Pregerson, wounded at Okinawa, was the force behind U.S. VETS, which has rescued thousands of formerly homeless vets”: Columnist Steve Lopez will have this essay in tomorrow’s edition of The Los Angeles Times.

Posted at 9:07 AM by Howard Bashman