“What Filibuster Reform Critics Forget: the Federal Judge Shortage: A noted federal appeals courts judge tries to soft-shoe last week’s filibuster reform — and ends up sounding like a partisan miffed about the restoration of a fully-populated judiciary.” Andrew Cohen has this essay online at The Atlantic.
“Despite Outlaw Image, Hells Angels Sue Often”: Serge F. Kovaleski has this front page article in today’s edition of The New York Times.
“Prisoners Fight U.S. Over Repatriation From Guantanamo Bay; Effort to Close Prison Hits Snag as Some Detainees Resist Transfer to Home Countries”: Jess Bravin has this article today in The Wall Street Journal.
“SCOTUSblog on camera: J. Harvie Wilkinson, III — Part six.” “SCOTUSblog” has posted this video online today, part six of an eight-part interview. Today’s installment features Judge Wilkinson’s tips on Thanksgiving leftovers and returning unwanted Hanukkah gifts.
“Long-shot legal challenges to health care law abound; President Obama’s law faces hurdles beyond the Supreme Court case on the birth control mandate”: Richard Wolf of USA Today has this report.
“Pa. Supreme Court poised to take on sentencing case”: In today’s edition of The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Paula Reed Ward has an article that begins, “The Allegheny County district attorney’s office will ask the state Supreme Court to determine what sentencing law should be followed for a defendant whose victim was injured in 1993 and died in 2007.”
Access online the Fall 2013 issue of Delaware Lawyer magazine, devoted to the topic of “Navigating the Appellate Courts: Advice from the Experts.” You can access the complete contents of the issue by clicking here.
David C. Frederick has an article headlined ” Essentials of Supreme Court Practice.”
An interview with the Justices serving on the Supreme Court of Delaware is headlined “Appellate Practice Roundtable with the Delaware Supreme Court.”
And I have an article about appellate practice at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.
“What if Chief Justice George had taken federal appointment?” Bob Egelko of The San Francisco Chronicle has a blog post that begins, “Of all the revelations in former Chief Justice Ronald George’s newly published memoir (Chief: The Quest for Justice in California), one of the most intriguing is that he was offered a coveted judgeship on the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in 1987, but turned it down because he had just been appointed to a state appellate court.”