“Judge Leon’s NSA #Slatepitch: The wacky idea that giving away your data creates a greater expectation of privacy.” Law professor Barry Friedman and Dahlia Lithwick have this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.
Posted at 9:20 PM by Howard Bashman
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
“Judge Leon’s NSA #Slatepitch: The wacky idea that giving away your data creates a greater expectation of privacy.” Law professor Barry Friedman and Dahlia Lithwick have this jurisprudence essay online at Slate. Posted at 9:20 PM by Howard Bashman“Conversation with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg”: C-SPAN has posted online at this link the video of Justice Ginsburg’s remarks yesterday at the Northern Virginia Technology Council. According to C-SPAN’s description, “Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg [sic] was interviewed by former U.S. Solicitor General Theodore Olson about the Supreme Court’s role in society. Among the topics she addressed were lifetime tenure for justices, relationships among justices, public perceptions of the court, and the role of women on the court.” Posted at 8:56 PM by Howard Bashman“Update on United States v. Auernheimer“: Orin Kerr has this post at “The Volokh Conspiracy.” The letter that Orin and his co-defense counsel filed today in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit should get the case — a significant criminal appeal in which the defendant is serving a relatively short sentence of imprisonment — back onto that court’s radar screen. Posted at 6:05 PM by Howard Bashman“Patrick Leahy Threatens His Own Rules Change After GOP Blocks Hearing On Judicial Nominees”: Jennifer Bendery of The Huffington Post has this report. And online at The Atlantic, Andrew Cohen has an essay titled “A New GOP Stall Tactic in the War Over Judicial Nominees: With the filibuster removed from their toolkit, Republican lawmakers forced the cancellation of confirmation hearings, even for candidates with home-state GOP support.” Posted at 5:50 PM by Howard Bashman“Stop Telling Ruth Bader Ginsburg to Retire: It’s counterproductive.” Emily Bazelon has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate. And online at The New Republic, Marc Tracy has an essay titled “Justice Ginsburg Is Wrong: She Should Step Down.” Posted at 5:44 PM by Howard Bashman“NFL, Ravens can use old logo in historical videos, exhibits, court rules; Judges defend use of copyrighted material in historical works”: The Baltimore Sun has this report on a ruling that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit issued yesterday. In other coverage, The Associated Press reports that “Court rejects lawsuit over Ravens’ 1st logo.” And at the “Hollywood, Esq.” blog of The Hollywood Reporter, Eriq Gardner has a post titled “Appeals Court Won’t Penalize NFL Network for Use of Artist’s Logo; The MPAA gets its desired ruling in a case that examined the use of copyrighted logos in historical videos and pictures.” Posted at 11:33 AM by Howard Bashman“Judge Leon’s ruling in NSA case is another example of his impartiality and independence”: This article appears today in the Style section of The Washington Post. Of course, if we are at the point where a judge must be singled out for impartiality and independence, then larger concerns should arise. And in related coverage, Michael Doyle of McClatchy Washington Bureau has an article headlined “Fights over NSA surveillance could be as intriguing as any good spy story.” Posted at 9:55 AM by Howard Bashman“Supreme Court Dismisses HRT Punitive Damages Appeal”: P.J. D’Annunzio has this front page article, in which I am quoted, in today’s edition of The Legal Intelligencer. My earlier coverage of the dismissal of the defendant’s appeal, in this case in which I served as appellate counsel for plaintiffs at the Pa. Supreme Court, can be accessed here. Posted at 9:51 AM by Howard Bashman“NSA Phone Plan May Reach Supreme Court on 1979 Precedent”: Andrew Zajac and Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News have this report. Posted at 8:26 AM by Howard Bashman |