How Appealing

Friday, December 20, 2013

“State Bar’s race records ruled public documents”: Bob Egelko has this article today in The San Francisco Chronicle.

Today’s edition of The Los Angeles Times contains an article headlined “California high court says state bar should release exam scores; California Supreme Court rules for affirmative-action researcher, saying public has ‘legitimate interest’ in admissions process; But it also calls for privacy protections.”

And at her “Trial Insider” blog, Pamela A. MacLean has a post titled “California Bar Must Share Race Data.”

My earlier coverage of yesterday’s unanimous California Supreme Court ruling can be accessed here.

Posted at 9:12 PM by Howard Bashman

“Five Names, Including Neal Katyal, Reportedly to Be Forwarded for Judge Davis’ Seat on 4th Circuit”: Michael Wein has this post today at the “Maryland Appellate Blog.”

Posted at 8:55 PM by Howard Bashman

“Supreme Court strikes down Canada’s prostitution laws”: Sean Fine of The Toronto Globe and Mail has a news update that begins, “The Supreme Court of Canada has struck down the country’s major prostitution laws, saying that bans on street soliciting, brothels and people living off the avails of prostitution create severe dangers for vulnerable women and therefore violate Canadians’ basic values.”

The Toronto Star has a news update headlined “Supreme Court of Canada strikes down federal criminal prostitution laws; Ottawa given one-year grace period to redraft scheme.”

The Associated Press reports that “Canadian court strikes down anti-prostitution laws.”

Reuters reports that “Top Canada court strikes down prostitution restrictions.”

And Bloomberg News reports that “Canada Top Court Invalidates Prostitution Laws on Safety.”

You can access today’s unanimous ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada at this link.

Posted at 12:28 PM by Howard Bashman