“Supreme Spin Cycle: Two cases test whether lower-court judges can ignore precedents.” This editorial will appear in Thursday’s edition of The Wall Street Journal.
You can freely access the full text of the editorial via Google.
“Government asks for stay in surveillance lawsuit”: The Associated Press has this report.
“Prosecutors urge court to deny Barry Bonds a rehearing”: The Associated Press has this report on the federal government’s opposition to the defendant/appellant’s pending petition for rehearing en banc. You can access many of the earlier Ninth Circuit filing in the case via this link.
“Yelp must turn over names of seven negative reviewers to Hadeed Carpet, court rules”: The Washington Times has this news update reporting on the ruling that a partially divided three-judge panel of the Court of Appeals of Virginia issued today.
“On Senate Blue-Slips, A Modest Proposal”: Andrew Cohen has this essay online today at the Brennan Center for Justice.
“Flurry of Legal Wrangling Follows Third Circuit’s Holding that GSK is Delaware Citizen for Diversity Purposes”: Today at the “Civil Procedure & Federal Courts Blog,” law professor Patricia W. Moore has a post that begins, “Back in June, we reported that the Third Circuit held that a ten-by-ten foot subleased office made Delaware the principal place of business of a GlaxoSmithKline holding company, and thus upheld diversity jurisdiction over a personal injury action.”
“The other shoe: Same-sex marriage in Utah.” A post today at the “Democracy in America” blog of The Economist begins, “Antonin Scalia pens his irascible, shoot-from-the-hip dissents ‘for law students,’ but apparently judges sometimes read them too.”
“New Delaware Supreme Court nominee Strine speaks! (Well, sort of).” Alison Frankel’s “On the Case” from Thomson Reuters News & Insight today has this report, with an assist from Reuters correspondent Tom Hals.
“Sewell pushes for more black federal judges”: Mary Orndorff Troyan of The Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser today has an article that begins, “Civil rights advocates are encouraging President Barack Obama to nominate an African-American to the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which would be a first from Alabama.”
“Limits on the Treaty Power”: U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has this essay online today at the Harvard Law Review Forum.
“Forget the Framers: The Supreme Court should not rely on James Madison in deciding how much power the president has to make recess appointments.” Law professor Eric Posner has this essay online today at Slate.
“The Supreme Court and the Dragon: Like Smaug from The Hobbit, the Roberts Court is remote, protective, and prone to sudden displays of fierceness.” Law professor Garrett Epps has this essay online at The Atlantic.
“Pennsylvania courts ban nepotism, judges serving on corporate boards”: The Morning Call of Allentown, Pennsylvania has a news update that begins, “Pennsylvania judges will be barred from serving on corporate boards under new rules announced by the state Supreme Court on Wednesday, part of an overhaul of the state’s dated judicial canons.”
You can access today’s order of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania adopting a new Code of Judicial Conduct at this link.
“State recognition of same-sex marriage ‘on hold,’ governor’s office says”: The Deseret News has this update.
Brooke Adams and Matt Piper of The Salt Lake Tribune have a news update headlined “Utah puts hold on same-sex marriages that occurred before stay.”
Jack Healy of The New York Times has a news update headlined “Utah Governor’s Office Says State Won’t Recognize Same-Sex Marriages.”
And The Associated Press reports that “Supreme Court complicates gay marriages in Utah.”
Access online recent filings in connection with the petition for permission to appeal now pending in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit relating to the so-called “GSK venue question“: Yesterday, GSK electronically filed this opposition to the petition for permission to appeal.
And earlier today, on behalf of the plaintiffs/petitioners, I filed a motion for leave to file reply in support of petition for permission to appeal, which contains as an attachment the plaintiffs’ reply.
“Markell picks Strine for chief justice”: The News Journal of Wilmington, Delaware has an update that begins, “Gov. Jack Markell today announced the nomination of Chancellor Leo E. Strine Jr. to serve as chief justice of Delaware’s Supreme Court.”
And Reuters reports that “Outspoken Strine nominated to lead Delaware Supreme Court.”
The Governor of Delaware’s office issued a news release today titled “Governor Markell Nominates Leo E. Strine, Jr. for Chief Justice of Delaware Supreme Court.”
“On Thursday, the Virginia Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the American Tradition Institute’s lawsuit seeking the private correspondence of climate scientist Michael Mann and dozens of other scientists.” So begins a post that Michael Halpern had yesterday at “The Equation” blog of the Union of Concerned Scientists.
“Indiana Supreme Court set to umpire RailCats foul ball lawsuit”: The Times of Munster, Indiana has this report.
“Marc Dann back arguing before Ohio Supreme Court”: The Columbus Dispatch has this report.
“Obama’s Supreme Court foe: Nuns who care for the elderly poor.” FoxNews.com has this report.
“Halliburton alert! New briefs argue Congress never endorsed Basic.” Alison Frankel’s “On the Case” from Thomson Reuters News & Insight has this report.