“Nebraska Supreme Court ruling could affect 27 teen murder cases”: This article appears today in The Omaha World-Herald.
And The Lincoln Journal Star reports that “Nebraska high court vacates life sentences of 3 men.”
Yesterday, the Supreme Court of Nebraska issued three decisions applying the U.S. Supreme Court‘s 2012 ruling in Miller v. Alabama, and you can access those decisions here, here, and here.
“The Supreme Court probably won’t take on net neutrality. Here’s why.” Brian Fung has this entry today at “The Switch” blog of The Washington Post.
No more Justice Brennans? The Helena (Mont.) Independent Record reports today that “Brennan seeks Supreme Court seat.”
“‘Aid in Dying’ Movement Takes Hold in Some States”: Erik Eckholm has this front page article today in The New York Times.
“Diocese records stay secret; U.S. appeals court denies access to Albany sex files”: This front page article appears today in The Times Union of Albany, New York.
My earlier coverage of yesterday’s Second Circuit ruling appears at this link.