How Appealing

Sunday, July 6, 2014

“Gov. Jerry Brown likes to break the mold with his judicial picks”: Maura Dolan of The Los Angeles Times has an article that begins, “As he mulls over candidates for the California Supreme Court, Gov. Jerry Brown has shown a willingness to break from tradition and draw from a wider pool of attorneys than previous governors.”

Posted at 10:08 PM by Howard Bashman

“Stanford law school clinic at center of epic U.S. Supreme Court privacy ruling”: Howard Mintz of The San Jose Mercury News has this report.

Posted at 9:58 PM by Howard Bashman

“Corporations, ‘artificial people’ and the unintended risks of Hobby Lobby; The supreme court decision on corporations’ religious rights could open the door for the outsize influence of business across American life”: Suzanne McGee has this essay online at The Guardian (UK).

Posted at 9:27 PM by Howard Bashman